Inconsistant network connectivity



Running small office network of <10 PC's running Win 2K pro SP4 with a Win
2003 Server. I have a domain setup with the server as the DHCP server and
all seems to work fine.
Problem: Inconsistant network conectivity issues. Clicking on a mapped
network drive shortcut or simple shortcut to network share results in a
serious lag followed by a "Network Path error". This problem is resolved by
clicking "My Network Places" and traversing a path back to the specified
share. I shouldn't have to do this for this shortcut or mapped share to
remain connected should I? This problem doesn't always occur either.
Sometime the shortcuts or mapped shares access just fine, sometimes they
don't. I've tried to isolate any problems with the network when the problem
occurs but cannot find anything out of the ordinary. All clients running
through a 10/100 switch and teminated correctly. This problem is more of an
annoyance than anything, but I need to resolve this. My boss is frustrated
and so am I.
Thanks in advance.

Danny Sanders

AD must have a DNS server set up for the AD domain. Your users should point
to that AD DNS server only.

Do they?



My clients all have obtain IP and DNS automatically. Ipconfig /all on a
client shows the Primary DNS suffix and DNS suffix search list as our domain
name "".
The server has been assigned the role of a DNS server but the reverse lookup
zones folder is empty. The forward lookup zones folder has some records
related to our domain name mentioned above.
I'm still kinda new at this so I appreciate your help and patience.
Thanks again

Celler Dweller

Hi Corey,
I just had to diagnose a similar issue at my work. I would first look
in the event log, this my give us more of a clue. I not really a server
guy but you can ping -a Your.Server.IP.Here to see if your client can
resolve addresses to a host name.


The client can resolve. Here is the ping and the result.
C:\Documents and Settings\cmurphy.REMTECH.000>ping -a

Pinging REMTECH-PDC [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
I'll check the event log and see what I can find out.
Thanks for your help as well. I'm still open for other suggestions.

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