Incompatibility between Win2000 and XP Pro using Access 2000

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gene
  • Start date Start date


One general question and one specific.
1. Does anyone know a good place to look up
incompatibility issues that have been identified when
running the same Access 2000 application on Win2000 vs.
WinXP Pro?

2. Specifically, I have a query as data source for a form
that lists records. That query builds a string, using
other query fields, as one of the fields that I display on
the form. If I go to the detail behind a list item
(leaving the list open) and then update the record
represented by the list item, I want to return to the list
form and update the list with the latest data. Usually I
just do a DoCmd.Requery in the Activate event of the
screen I am returning to. For some reason, the
DoCmd.Requery would work fine on a Windows 2000 machine,
but the same piece of code in Windows XP abends with the
error shown below:(Access was running from a common
network drive - single user)

Run-time error '3420':
Object invalid or no longer exists.

Any ideas?
Try using the Requery method of the specific object you
are trying to requery rather than DoCmd.Requery. For
Oops. I did something that sent the message before I was

Dim frm As Form

Set frm = Forms!MyForm


This will refresh the recordset MyForm is based on.

Most Access objects based on data (forms, comboboxes,
listboxes, etc) have a Requery method.
instead of DoCmd.Requery, try Me.Requery, which directs Access to requery
the form object specifically.
