I'm not sure if this is quite what you're looking for
but it will give you a little information on how to go
about it. These instructions were written using
Outlook 2000 as the model:
OLK - Color SMTP msgs
Click "Organize"
Click "Using Colors"
Click "Automatic Formatting"
Click "Add a Rule"
Call it something like SMTP
Click "Condition" and select the "Advanced" tab.
Click the "Fields" button, select "All mail fields", "Changed By".
Choose "contains" as the condition and enter "Internet Mail Service" as the
value. Click "Add", then "OK"
Click the "Font" button. Select something obvious.
You can easily see which email was originated via the Internet.
Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]
Is there a way to change the email color or the icon before the email when a
new email comes in .. only from ppl not from *@mywork.com ?