include file



I want to use include file...I am usung following codes.But it gives error:
There can be only one page directive .What can I use for include file?I am
using Asp.Net C#

<!-- #include file=".\documents\AllDoc.aspx" --> or
I tried
<!-- #include virtual=".\documents\AllDoc.aspx" -->
thank you...

Matt Hawley

You should not use "include" files in ASP.NET because they don't get compiled into the assembly. Instead, you should use UserControls to encapsulate certain UI pieces.

Also - note that your code doesn't work, mainly because you're trying to include ASP.NET WebForms within ASP.NET WebForms.

Matt Hawley, MCAD .NET

I want to use include file...I am usung following codes.But it gives error:
There can be only one page directive .What can I use for include file?I am
using Asp.Net C#

<!-- #include file=".\documents\AllDoc.aspx" --> or
I tried
<!-- #include virtual=".\documents\AllDoc.aspx" -->
thank you...

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