Inbox messages have disappeared



I left my outlook 2003 on last night and this morning all of my inbox and
deleted items are gone. Where could they have went to?

My sent items and contacts are still there. Any hunches?

Scott Atkins[MSFT]


First check to make sure you don't have any filters applied to your current view. Click on View > Arrange By > Current View, and make sure Messages is selected. If you select Unread
Messages in folder for example, only messages marked unread would be displayed.

You should also check your Deleted Items, as well as any other mail folders you have, to make sure they were not accidentely moved. You might also check to see if auto-archive is
turned on as another possible reason for these messages to be missing.


Scott Atkins MCSE, MCSA
Partner Technical Lead - Outlook
Microsoft Technical Support
for Platforms and Business Applications
Scott Atkins MCSE, MCSA
Partner Technical Lead - Outlook
Microsoft Technical Support
for Platforms and Business Applications

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