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Tried everything--repair using console--not available to
use -tried from floppy--have raid mirroring and cannot
access registry to correct error I am pretty sure it is
causing problem any ideas----PLEASE

There are a number of things that can cause a STOP 0x0000007B. Here is an
article that can help you narrow down what it is.

324103 HOW TO: Troubleshoot "Stop 0x0000007B" Errors in Windows XP

NOTE: This is a Windows XP article but it still applies to Windows 2000.
Robert Mitchell
Windows NT4&2000 MCSE
Microsoft Enterprise Support

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The views and opinions expressed in this newsgroup posting are mine and do
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The question was asked on 11/30/03 on this group. Scan for
"inaccessable_boot_device" to find an answer. Since the problem could be
hardware, your request for help provides next to nothing for someone not
close to your problem to reflect on. Next time consider taking a 5 minute
Snicker & Cola break to reflect on one's quagmire, then compose one's
question. Sometimes the quality of the answer is in direct proportion to
the exactness of the question. Otherwise, all anyone could respond, if at
all, is the answer is somerwhere over in that genaral direction, good luck.