i have one ibm server with servraidadapter 4l and 4m. the os is w2k advance server with sp3 german. i wont to upgrate the servraid firmware form 4.7 to 6.01.
first step i change the driver in hardwaremanager. now start the problem. the servraidadapter lost the path to his driver. first i can read driver is 4.7. after update driver i can read no driver, and i dont fond a way back.
now the system will start and by the middle of the windowspictue i get a blue screen with inaccessible boot device.
my question. how can i restor the driver path for my servraidcontroller ??
i have installt w2k prof for access the server files
i have one ibm server with servraidadapter 4l and 4m. the os is w2k advance server with sp3 german. i wont to upgrate the servraid firmware form 4.7 to 6.01.
first step i change the driver in hardwaremanager. now start the problem. the servraidadapter lost the path to his driver. first i can read driver is 4.7. after update driver i can read no driver, and i dont fond a way back.
now the system will start and by the middle of the windowspictue i get a blue screen with inaccessible boot device.
my question. how can i restor the driver path for my servraidcontroller ??
i have installt w2k prof for access the server files