inaccesible boot device

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Foltermann
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Bill Foltermann

Trying to troubleshoot my daughters machine. It stops boot
with a blue screen saying "inaccesible_boot_device".
Have checked all cable, tried booting from the rescue
discs, and cd. All no go. Same screen as before.
(e-mail address removed)
There are two places during the boot process this normally occurs.
Before the GUI (immediately after the boot.ini screen when you choose which
OS to start) and as the GUI starts up with the bar about 3/4 way through.
If it occurs immediately, it is an issue with the driver for the controller.
If it is later in the boot process it is probably due to a filter driver.
If you can boot into recovery console, rename software and system files in
the \winnt\system32\config directory to an org or old extension.
Copy the software and system files from the winnt\repair or better yet the
\winnt\repair\regback directory to the \winnt\system32\config directory and
you may be able to get into the system. Once you do, you need to use
regedt32 and load the files and look for upperfilters and
lowerfilters. This is much easier to do if you can copy this file to an XP
machine and use regedit because it allows you to do a find.
What you are looking for is going to be a third party filter driver. There
are some filter drivers that are part of the OS. However, filter drivers
from some third party applications can cause some issues such as this.
Also, if partmgr is not listed as a filter driver you are in trouble.
There are some issues with CD burning software that removes this item from
the registry.
Joe Griffin [MS]
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Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
From: "Bill Foltermann" <[email protected]>
Sender: "Bill Foltermann" <[email protected]>
Subject: inaccesible boot device
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 07:07:18 -0800
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Trying to troubleshoot my daughters machine. It stops boot
with a blue screen saying "inaccesible_boot_device".
Have checked all cable, tried booting from the rescue
discs, and cd. All no go. Same screen as before.
(e-mail address removed)
Hi, Bill.

This Stop 0x7B, Inaccessible_Boot_Device, most often occurs during
installation of Win2K. It usually is because Win2K is being installed onto
a boot device for which there is no proper driver on the Win2K CD-ROM. When
it occurs AFTER Win2K has been installed and running for a while, it may be
caused by a similar problem - but reached by a different path.

See this page in the online version of the WinXP Pro Resource Kit:

That says, in part: "Installing incorrect device drivers when installing or
upgrading storage adapter hardware typically causes stop 0x7B errors. Stop
0x7B errors could also indicate possible virus infection."

Does her computer have the "typical" configuration of one or two HDs on the
internal IDE connectors? Or does it use SCSI or RAID or SATA or some other
exotic configuration? The original Win2K CD-ROM went on sale in February
2000, and a LOT of today's HDs need drivers that were not available four
years ago. Even ATA/133 drives would probably need drivers that were not on
that CD. Newer HDs can be installed as secondary drives easily, but if one
is to be used as the BOOT DEVICE, then she will need to run Win2K Setup all
over again, pressing F6 when prompted, to get the drivers loaded from a
floppy and integrated into her installation of Win2K.
