******What happened when you tried Win RE from the DVD in setup as I suggested?****
My point is that although the drivers most people think about most of the time are Video and Sound and hardware drivers , this is time consuming and hit or miss. Video and sound are mentioned because video and sound cards are two of the most publicized hardware devices due to gaming and graphics apps.
If you run Win RE's Startup Repair in Vista, it will try to check and repair the following and we're taking about under three minutes usually when it works which is often: (this is not a complete list but a list of major tasks it can perform):
Registry Corruptions
Missing/corrupt driver files (you don't have to guess here--it looks at all of them
Missing/corrupt system files (disabled in Beta 2 as is System File Checker but present newer builds)
Incompatible Driver Installation
Incompatible OS update installations
Startup Repair may offer a dialogue box to use System restore.
Corporater customers will be able to launch Win RE from a WDS server.
A significant cause of no boots that MSFT has yet to latch onto is the way driver verifier inspects antivirus software drivers. Often disabling deadlock detection using the driver verifier tool by typing "verifier" (lose quotes) in the run box and disabling deadlock detection and inspection of your antivirus software drivers will prevent a number of BSOD stop/no boots in XP and Vista.
It has worked repeatedly on boxes even when you can do a repair install and get XP back intact or Win RE and get Vista back intact and the BSOD's still recur. The point is not all of them are due to the drivers themselves when a driver is involved; sometimes they are due to the way Driver Verifier inspects them in windows:
Note: The principle of disabling deadlock detection and inspection of software AV app drivers applies to any AV app with software drivers--***not just Norton.
Fatal System Error: 0x000000C4 If Deadlock Detection in Driver Verifier Is Turned on and Norton Antivirus Is Installed
Locks, Deadlocks, and Synchronization
Driver Verifier in Windows Vista
Disabling deadlock detection and inspection of antivirus drivers is good preventive medicine against Windows Blue Screens. This does nothing to impact the running of your Antivirus and people know the antivirus programs they choose are reliable and don't have software drivers that threaten them. Any driver can become "corrupt" of course. Most AV programs anyone will ever use come from large companies who have experience in making AV applications--Win One Care--my fave but no ready for prime time Vista included. Win One Care will work in Vista when Microsoft's Live Division learns how to call Microsoft and get this going. Both reside in buildings at Redmond. All of them have IM and cell phones. Hopefully this will happen between now and November to March 07 whenever Vista RTMs--but maybe not.