In Win Commander III 700W Power Supply


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
Hi Tech Legion have reviewed the In Win Commander III 700W Power Supply - here's a snippet:

"There is hierarchy and order when it comes to the personal computer structure. The CPU gives out the marching orders to various specialist parts that carry out various tasks.The memory and the drives store data for processing and the graphics card handles all display-related functions. The power supply, while not giving out any orders to other components is the lifeblood of the PC and makes productivity possible. It is involved in every facet of the operation so it is vital that the power supply chosen is able to thoroughly provide power when necessary.

Even most high-end component these days are surprisingly efficient and do not require much power compared to the performance behemoths of three years prior. When the GeForce GTX 480 came out for example, reviewers were urged to get 1000+W power supplies so they could run SLI benchmarks on their overclocked Intel Extreme systems. To match component efficiency, it only makes sense to pair them with equally highly-efficient power supplies that will not buckle under stressful settings. Even if you take an Ivy Bridge Core i7 processor and pair it with two GTX 680s today, you will get significantly better performance while using less power than that old GTX 480 SLI setup. Current gaming systems just simply do not require high kilo-wattage anymore so priority should be focused toward better efficiency within reasonable capacities."

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