In School Again , Hurray!

Apr 5, 2005
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Hey Guys and Gals. I'm sticking with my New Year's res. I'm in school going for my CCNA. I've taken 3 tests so far, I'm doing well. But it is getting harder every chapter.

Just thought I'd let you guys know, and if any one has some studying tips, or advice on where I can get the text books for cheap I would appreciate it.

Currently most of my curriculum can be found online, but I'm not always able to access it everywhere. So I've been making tons and tons of flash cards. Like 50 per chapter. They help but I can tell its going to get old quick.

Later all.....
Well done Raje :D I'm not sure on where you can get cheap books in the US, but perhaps Ebay/Amazon Marketplace might have some good ones?

(a link to some info about the CCNA for those that haven't heard of it before)
I tried to get into College last week ... they told me I was over-qualified ... :confused:

The thing is, I have NO qualifications, and is why I wanted to sign up like Gabby did. Maybe I better go teach instead. :rolleyes:

Good on you Raje ... when the going gets tough, just get tougher. :thumb:

muckshifter said:
I tried to get into College last week ... they told me I was over-qualified ... :confused:

Wow, I've not heard that one before! Which course was it you applied for? If it was for computing you probably know more than the teacher ;)
Ian Cunningham said:
Wow, I've not heard that one before! Which course was it you applied for? If it was for computing you probably know more than the teacher ;)
Same, similar to what Gabby is doing ... this one you get that Driving Licence thingie they are all on about ... I wasn't too bothered as I really wanted the Linux coarse, but that is in September. :rolleyes:

Maybe I'll start a 'school' here ... how much do you think I should charge ... they want £75 at Southport Tech :D

Hmmm, second thoughts, I don't like PayPall. ;)
Thanks for the advice guys.... actuallt inexpensive books seem hard to find. It appears any of the students who do well in the class KEEP thier books. I ve asked a few of the students, they are in thier last semester and won't give up their first semester books, even when offered a good amount of cash!!

I will have to seek a drop out some where :) . I checked amazon, it seems they either sell the whole bundle(which I don't want) or an older edition book. For most classes an older edition wouldn't matter but it does for this class.

Mucks, I've never ever heard of an institution that would refuse your money. I'm sure any class here in the US would be more than happy to take your money, and then let you teach it as well. The professor will take care of attendance and recording test scores.
Mucks, I've never ever heard of an institution that would refuse your money.
ah well ... you see I would not be paying ... they take "mature students" free here, but I did agree that my "place" would be better suited to someone who actually needed to learn something ... I would have been coasting on most of it and it is the Linux coarse I want, so I'll try again in September. :thumb:

Funny about those books ... I still have a few DOS ones around, no idea why. :D