Yes, Method #3 worked (sort of). When I started MS Word and asked to
View|HTML source, I was told that the HTML Script Editor was not
and I agreed to install it. Turns out that my MS Office 2003 CD was *not
enough* -- I had to insert the MS Office 2000 disk additionally, and then
learned that it had to be the *Premium* version of that disk to complete
installation. But, amazingly enough, when I went back to MS Word, the
script editor was there and worked just fine!. The only (minor) hassle is
that every time I ask to see the HTML source of a HTML document I am
on, I have to *decline* the invitation to "install" the HTML source
and then the editor goes ahead and comes up and works fine!! Go Figure!
And my Lord!....the complexity of the HTML script this thing generates to
produce the simplest pages....far, far beyond the simple OE HTML editor.
all that really necessary?
Thanks again for your help!