In .NET - How to get name of MQ.Service on local machine

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ken
  • Start date Start date


Hello everyone,

I am using "MQ.dll" which is supposed to be written
in .NET. My question is how do I get name of the
MQSeries.Service on the local machine. What I want to do
is mimmic what the MQ Series Explorer does!i.e. list all
of the Queue Managers on the local machine and then when a
user clicks on a Queue Manager I want to populate another
list box with the Queues. Any help pointing me at the
right objects or methods would be helpful!!

Thank You in advance for Your Help,
Hi Ken,

Thanks for your post.

Are you using a third-party tools names MQSeries.NET?
There is an documentation and some samples on his home page:

Let's see if other community members have some suggestions on this issue.

Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Hello Ying-Shen Yu ,

Yes, I am using that dll. "MQ.dll", however , the assembly
is just a light wrapper -- so now the problem is that I am
not that well versed in writing command lines to Web
Sphere. Most people use the user interface. I am hoping
that someone has used Web Sphere at the command level to
give insight into the commands needed to show ;
1) services level , 2)Queue Managers level 3)Queues 4)

Thank You in advance for Your Help,
Hi Ken,

I wish I could help, however I haven't used the IBM WebSphere before,
I'm regret to say I'm unable to give suggestions on this issue,

If this issue is MQSeries specific, proabably your questions could be
answered in:

Also, you may try contacting the author of "MQSeries.NET",
maybe he could give you some help on that.

Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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