Hello everyone,
I'm totally stumped at how little info I can find in MSDN or on the web
concerning this. It's almost as if only microsoft personel hold the key to
these secrets or something!!!
I'm currently writting a program in which there is a file/folder list which
mimics part of Explorer's list. I've got it pretty much cornered, but I
still have a couple of problems :
1. I found a way to get the verbs associated with a file using
ProcessStartInfo.Verbs... This works fine, but I would like to get the text
associated with each of these verbs. For example, I have a verb called
EditWithVS7 for most text files... How do I get the associated text ("Edit
with Visual Studio .NET") ?
2. I would like to display, like explorer, the "long" file type, as in
"Bitmap Image", "Text File", "Application", "Application Extension", etc...
I have no idea where to find this info.
3. How would I display the "Properties" dialog
4. How would I display the "Open With" dialog
5. I would like to support the shell extensions (Add To Zip, Scan with
Norton, Upload using WS_Ftp, etc)
6. I would also like to know where to get the Send To entries...
I know I'm asking for alot, but damn I can't find any info anywhere on how
to do this with .NET... I've spent at least 3-4 hours looking and I can't
find a single clue.
Any help would be immensely appreciated!
I'm totally stumped at how little info I can find in MSDN or on the web
concerning this. It's almost as if only microsoft personel hold the key to
these secrets or something!!!
I'm currently writting a program in which there is a file/folder list which
mimics part of Explorer's list. I've got it pretty much cornered, but I
still have a couple of problems :
1. I found a way to get the verbs associated with a file using
ProcessStartInfo.Verbs... This works fine, but I would like to get the text
associated with each of these verbs. For example, I have a verb called
EditWithVS7 for most text files... How do I get the associated text ("Edit
with Visual Studio .NET") ?
2. I would like to display, like explorer, the "long" file type, as in
"Bitmap Image", "Text File", "Application", "Application Extension", etc...
I have no idea where to find this info.
3. How would I display the "Properties" dialog
4. How would I display the "Open With" dialog
5. I would like to support the shell extensions (Add To Zip, Scan with
Norton, Upload using WS_Ftp, etc)
6. I would also like to know where to get the Send To entries...
I know I'm asking for alot, but damn I can't find any info anywhere on how
to do this with .NET... I've spent at least 3-4 hours looking and I can't
find a single clue.
Any help would be immensely appreciated!