In monthly view make past dates change color

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When looking at my calander in the monthly view I would like to have dates
that are in the past reflected by a different color so that it is easier to
distinguish the past from the current dates.
Totally horrible suggestion as using the Today button quickly takes you to
the correct day. I would hate this implementation, as well as the ability
to cross out past days.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, MarkC asked:

| When looking at my calander in the monthly view I would like to have
| dates that are in the past reflected by a different color so that it
| is easier to distinguish the past from the current dates.
The fact that you would not use a particular functionality does not make it a
"horrible suggestion." I think a lot of people would appreciate the option
of "crossing off" past days.