In game crashes ingame

Jul 15, 2005
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i play counter strike source and i get ingame crashes with looping sounds of the last thing i heard. they have a support of this and they said to disable my sound card. i was thinking of buying a SB X-Fi sound card.
here is link-**&p_li=&p_topview=1

here is comp specs
AMD X2 4200+
6800GT Gfx
500GB+ HDD
3 Case fans
1 CPU Fan
Currently onboard sound card

you guys think its a good idea to get an x-fi?
pci s/c

Looks a good card on their website and going from on-board to a dedicated card may help.
alirght is there a big difference between the XtremeMusic and the Platinum? if XtremeMusic is great for gaming then i will probably get that. if there is a big difference between Premium and XtremeMusic i may get premium? which one do u guys recomend for gaming, and entertainment?
yea true. i wasnt gonna buy it till i know for sure it was problem, but if it is the problem i was wondering if i shuld get xtrememusic or platimum, which one is worth the best? also i tried disabling my osund card and nvr got the problem. so i know for sure it is the problem of sound card but i just dont know if it will be solved if i get a new one >.<
try it a couple more times with the sound disabled to make sure its that, whether putting in a soundcard will give you the same problem or not i dont know

the difference between the cards seems to be the front panel with the platinum with I/O connectors volume controls and a remote

they both are the same card so get which one you can afford
get extreme music, not the platnuim. its the better deal unless you record your own music.