Hi mcrisok - starting with a blank report, make sure you Toolbox toolbar is
on. Choose the Subform/Subreport icon and 'imbed' the reports into the blank
report. I have used this method and it works and is easy but takes some
fiddling to get the formatting. How are you sending your reports now?
At present i have used a macro (using sendobject function sending a snapshot
view) to send a report from a switchbord menu via email, but it would appear
that the inbuilt function only allow you to open one report at a time and i
wondered if it was possible to attach several reports at one go.
Yes - I've been through the same thing. I must admit that I finally gave up
with 'imbedding', but only because of the 3 reports I have to send each week
2 are Portrait and one Landscape - got some wierd spacing. Glad to have
helped. Yrs - Dika