I needed to get a "sticky" option for certain windows. PowerPro does
a great job of this. If you set one of the entries to open a program
or window and to be "on top", even if the program normally doesn't do
that, it does after being opened in this way. But when you launch the
program normally, none of this stays. It opens in normal mode after
I needed this functionality, but I'm letting go of PowerPro as I've
grown beyond it (with broadband and the memory leak problems, it
crashes the system after a few hours so too much grief). I've found
AutoIt for scripting functions and TClockEx that give my customizable
date/time _always_ on my taskbar clock and that basically negated the
need for PP.
But I did need to find something that would make a window/program
sticky. I found a freeware that seemed to do the trick called
Wonderful Icon (http://www.thewonderfulicon.com/pages/features.htm).
Boy, what a mistake.
I used it to make a notepad window sticky, and now Notepad windows, no
matter what they are, are _always_ on top. What a nuisance. I've
lived with this for nearly a week now and it's driving me nuts <g>!
Even uninstalled WI didn't help. I had to keep it handy to un-on top
Notepad when it really becomes a nuisance. I'm just glad I didn't do
that to other apps or I'd be really aggravated <g>.
Anyhoo, was wondering if anyone knew 2 things:
1) how to counteract this awful thing and to get Notepad to behave
normally again; and, having learned my lesson,
2) a program that will give this functionality but _without_ the
permanency, like PowerPro does.
Thanks all!
a great job of this. If you set one of the entries to open a program
or window and to be "on top", even if the program normally doesn't do
that, it does after being opened in this way. But when you launch the
program normally, none of this stays. It opens in normal mode after
I needed this functionality, but I'm letting go of PowerPro as I've
grown beyond it (with broadband and the memory leak problems, it
crashes the system after a few hours so too much grief). I've found
AutoIt for scripting functions and TClockEx that give my customizable
date/time _always_ on my taskbar clock and that basically negated the
need for PP.
But I did need to find something that would make a window/program
sticky. I found a freeware that seemed to do the trick called
Wonderful Icon (http://www.thewonderfulicon.com/pages/features.htm).
Boy, what a mistake.
I used it to make a notepad window sticky, and now Notepad windows, no
matter what they are, are _always_ on top. What a nuisance. I've
lived with this for nearly a week now and it's driving me nuts <g>!
Even uninstalled WI didn't help. I had to keep it handy to un-on top
Notepad when it really becomes a nuisance. I'm just glad I didn't do
that to other apps or I'd be really aggravated <g>.
Anyhoo, was wondering if anyone knew 2 things:
1) how to counteract this awful thing and to get Notepad to behave
normally again; and, having learned my lesson,
2) a program that will give this functionality but _without_ the
permanency, like PowerPro does.
Thanks all!