Dave B gave you the answer. Here is step-by-step
1. Get the graph you want to be on your screen in Quicken
2. Do a Print Screen (I think that is shift-PrntScrn keys at the same
time) -- Althought that does not appear to accomplish anything, it has
copied your quicken image onto the imaginary clipboard
3. Open an image editing program
3. Do Ctrl-V to past the image into that program
4. Save the image as a .jpg or .gif, whichever gives a nice image and
is the smaller file
5. Open your web in FP, click on the image folder, then do file /
import and import the image you have just saved.
6. That's it -- you can now use FP to insert that image on your web
page where you wan it.
By the way, if you want to update your website next month, follow the
same procedure, name the image the same name, re-import it and replace
the old image with the new, and re-publish your website. The new image
will show up where the old was.