It all depends on how "consistent" your data is.
If it is not already in a table import it into a temporary
table as one field. Now you can create a query with some
calculated fields like Col1:Trim(Left ([yourfield]),3)
which will give you a field of up to 3 characters from the
left of "yourfield". The Trim part gets rid of unwanted
spaces. Using Left, Right and Mid functions in a query
will split up the origional field. Use the resultant query
to append / update the final destination table.
Another approach (once again depending on data
consistency) is to put it into excel. Trim the data (eg
Trim(A1)) copy and paste resultant values. You will wind
up with v 3201 76666663 (only one space between bits of
data) then use the Excel Data|Text to Columns function to
split the data over three cells. Import this to access.
-----Original Message-----
i have a field that has data which looks something like
this v 3201 76666663 i want to import this
in 3 separate fields instead of one is there a way to
do this if so how?