I have an XML file with first & Lastname and other pertinent info that I
would like to import into a blank Access db, but the data imports as several
tables grouped by the column headings. So when you finish importing, one
record takes up several rows, instead of one. How can I import this xml data
so that everything pertaining to a person is imported into one record and
only takes up one row? I've also tried to import the xml data file into
Excel and I get the same problem.
would like to import into a blank Access db, but the data imports as several
tables grouped by the column headings. So when you finish importing, one
record takes up several rows, instead of one. How can I import this xml data
so that everything pertaining to a person is imported into one record and
only takes up one row? I've also tried to import the xml data file into
Excel and I get the same problem.