Importing txt files where col names are more than one word

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I'm trying to automate the import of some tab-delimited text files, the files
have column headings followed by the data in this format :
Cust ID Number Assessment Type Assessment Actual Start Date Assessment
Actual End Date Assessment Status Assessment Outcome
94 Cmgt Standard Assessment 25/03/2004 13/04/2004 Completed Care plan sent
given/offered (RAP) - 01a
94 Cmgt Standard Assessment 25/03/2004 13/04/2004 Completed No new services
offered (RAP) - 01

If I use the wizard, the data imports properly into the table (which also
has columns of the same name and format), but if I use the Transfertext
method I get an error.
If I try DoCmd.TransferText, acImportDelim,,Tablename, Filepath
I get error 2391 : Field 'SwiftIDNumber_Assessment Type_Assessment Actual
Start Date_Asses' doesn't exist in destination table

So I tried using a schema.ini (having read KB 155512 & 149090) which was
created on the fly, using the col names from the destination table, but I got
the error 3442 : In the text file specification 'filename.txt' the Col1
option is invalid.

The problem seems to be that the column names consist of more than one word
e.g. "Cust ID Number" because if I concatenate them ("CustIDNumber") then
import seems to work. Trouble is that these col names are the customers spec,
not mine, and they would rather keep things that way.

Does anyone know of a way around this ?

Thanks in advance. Rufus
I'm trying to automate the import of some tab-delimited text files, the files
have column headings followed by the data in this format :
Cust ID Number Assessment Type Assessment Actual Start Date Assessment
Actual End Date Assessment Status Assessment Outcome
94 Cmgt Standard Assessment 25/03/2004 13/04/2004 Completed Care plan sent
given/offered (RAP) - 01a
94 Cmgt Standard Assessment 25/03/2004 13/04/2004 Completed No new services
offered (RAP) - 01

If I use the wizard, the data imports properly into the table (which also
has columns of the same name and format), but if I use the Transfertext
method I get an error.
If I try DoCmd.TransferText, acImportDelim,,Tablename, Filepath
I get error 2391 : Field 'SwiftIDNumber_Assessment Type_Assessment Actual
Start Date_Asses' doesn't exist in destination table

So I tried using a schema.ini (having read KB 155512 & 149090) which was
created on the fly, using the col names from the destination table, but I got
the error 3442 : In the text file specification 'filename.txt' the Col1
option is invalid.

The problem seems to be that the column names consist of more than one word
e.g. "Cust ID Number" because if I concatenate them ("CustIDNumber") then
import seems to work. Trouble is that these col names are the customers spec,
not mine, and they would rather keep things that way.

Does anyone know of a way around this ?

Thanks in advance. Rufus

Hi Rufus,

If the field name contains embedded spaces, you must enclose it in double
quotation marks. So the way you represented "Cust ID Number" in your example
is the way you should have it in your schema.ini file.

RD said:
Hi Rufus,

If the field name contains embedded spaces, you must enclose it in double
quotation marks. So the way you represented "Cust ID Number" in your example
is the way you should have it in your schema.ini file.

Thanks, that creates the schema.ini file OK, but now I'm getting new errors !
If I do DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim,"schema.ini", Tablename, Filepath,
True (where Tablename and Filepath are string variables as the names suggest)
then I get error 3625 : The text file specification 'schema.ini' does not
exist. Etc...
So I looked around the other messages on this board and found John Nurick's
reply to Allen_N on 22/1/07 which suggested leaving the spec out of the DoCmd
statement. (i.e. DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim,, Tablename, Filepath,
True) However, if I do that, I'm back to the same problem I raised
originally, which suggests that the schema.ini file isn't being used.
(Just to confirm also, the schema.ini file, the import (.txt) file, and the
database are all in the same dir, and I'm working on Access 2000 using the
v9.0 Object Library)
Could this be anything to do with the fact I'm using tab-delimited files &
not fixed length ?

Thanks again.
rufus_the_tailgunner said:
Thanks, that creates the schema.ini file OK, but now I'm getting new errors !
If I do DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim,"schema.ini", Tablename, Filepath,
True (where Tablename and Filepath are string variables as the names suggest)
then I get error 3625 : The text file specification 'schema.ini' does not
exist. Etc...
So I looked around the other messages on this board and found John Nurick's
reply to Allen_N on 22/1/07 which suggested leaving the spec out of the DoCmd
statement. (i.e. DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim,, Tablename, Filepath,
True) However, if I do that, I'm back to the same problem I raised
originally, which suggests that the schema.ini file isn't being used.
(Just to confirm also, the schema.ini file, the import (.txt) file, and the
database are all in the same dir, and I'm working on Access 2000 using the
v9.0 Object Library)
Could this be anything to do with the fact I'm using tab-delimited files &
not fixed length ?

Thanks again.
OK, looks like I've answered my own question - discovered Q241477 in MSDN
which documents an Access 2000 error when trying to use a schema.ini to
import with the transfertext method, advising the use of DAO db.Execute

So just for info, what I did was :
strSQL = "SELECT * INTO " & Tablename & " FROM
[Text;FMT=Delimited;HDR=Yes;DATABASE=" & dbFilepath & "].[" & Tablename &
"#txt];" & ""
'.....Here I've had to drop the destination table because I haven't worked
out the syntax for an INSERT statement yet
'.....but that doesn't matter as I want to overwrite any existing data anyway
db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
'....and so on

Thanks again for the help with schema.ini

rufus_the_tailgunner said:
Thanks, that creates the schema.ini file OK, but now I'm getting new errors !
If I do DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim,"schema.ini", Tablename, Filepath,
True (where Tablename and Filepath are string variables as the names suggest)
then I get error 3625 : The text file specification 'schema.ini' does not
exist. Etc...
So I looked around the other messages on this board and found John Nurick's
reply to Allen_N on 22/1/07 which suggested leaving the spec out of the DoCmd
statement. (i.e. DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim,, Tablename, Filepath,
True) However, if I do that, I'm back to the same problem I raised
originally, which suggests that the schema.ini file isn't being used.
(Just to confirm also, the schema.ini file, the import (.txt) file, and the
database are all in the same dir, and I'm working on Access 2000 using the
v9.0 Object Library)
Could this be anything to do with the fact I'm using tab-delimited files &
not fixed length ?

Thanks again.
OK, looks like I've answered my own question - discovered Q241477 in MSDN
which documents an Access 2000 error when trying to use a schema.ini to
import with the transfertext method, advising the use of DAO db.Execute

So just for info, what I did was :
strSQL = "SELECT * INTO " & Tablename & " FROM
[Text;FMT=Delimited;HDR=Yes;DATABASE=" & dbFilepath & "].[" & Tablename &
"#txt];" & ""
'.....Here I've had to drop the destination table because I haven't worked
out the syntax for an INSERT statement yet
'.....but that doesn't matter as I want to overwrite any existing data anyway
db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
'....and so on

Thanks again for the help with schema.ini


Glad you got it worked out.

Just as an FYI, I use this method to link to delimited text files. The files
themselves can be huge so I decided not to import them. Below is the code I use
to :
1. Write a script
2. Copy a file from an FTP server to a local folder
3. Delete the target table if it exists
4. Link to the text file using the schema.ini file

As always, watch for line wrap.


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

' Procedure : fCreateScript
' DateTime : 6/11/2007 14:52
' Author : RD
' Purpose : Creates a script file for the FTP function
Function fCreateScript(sFolder As String, sFileName As String) As Boolean
Dim lFileNumber As Long
On Error GoTo ErrHandler

lFileNumber = FreeFile ' Get unused file
Open "C:\Jobs\WTWscript.scr" For Output As #lFileNumber ' Create file name
Print #lFileNumber, "lcd " & """C:\Jobs\Extracts""" ' Output text
Print #lFileNumber, "open" ' ftp server
Print #lFileNumber, "anonymous" ' user
Print #lFileNumber, "(e-mail address removed)" ' generic password
Print #lFileNumber, "cd " & sFolder ' change to the
proper directory
Print #lFileNumber, "get " & sFileName & " " & sFileName ' copy file over
Print #lFileNumber, "bye" ' quit ftp session
Close #lFileNumber ' Close file.

fCreateScript = True

On Error Resume Next
Exit Function

Debug.Print Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
fCreateScript = False
Resume ExitPoint

End Function

' Procedure : fFTP
' DateTime : 6/11/2007 14:50
' Author : RD
' Purpose : Copies extract files from the ftp server to a local folder
Function fFTP(stSCRFile As String) As Boolean
Dim stSysDir As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler

stSysDir = Environ$("COMSPEC")
stSysDir = Left$(stSysDir, Len(stSysDir) - Len(Dir(stSysDir)))
Call Shell(stSysDir & "ftp.exe -s:" & stSCRFile, vbNormalFocus)
fFTP = True

On Error Resume Next
Exit Function

Debug.Print Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
fFTP = False

Resume ExitPoint

End Function

' Procedure : fImportExtract
' DateTime : 6/13/2007 13:42
' Author : RD
' Purpose : Actually, it creates a table *linked* to the text file
' : It works very well and keeps the size of the database down
Public Function fImportExtract(sExtract As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim db As DAO.Database, tdTblDef As DAO.TableDef

' Delete the table if it already exists
If fTableExists(sExtract) Then DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, sExtract

Set db = CurrentDb
Set tdTblDef = db.CreateTableDef(sExtract) ' Create the table
tdTblDef.Connect = "TEXT;Database=C:\Jobs\Extracts;table=" & sExtract & ".TXT"
' Connect it to the text file
tdTblDef.SourceTableName = sExtract & ".TXT" ' Name the source file
db.TableDefs.Append tdTblDef ' Append the new table to the table collection
db.TableDefs.Refresh ' Refresh the table collection

fImportExtract = True

On Error Resume Next
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

If Err.Number = 3265 Then Resume Next
Debug.Print Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description

fImportExtract = False
Resume ExitPoint

End Function

' Procedure : fTableExists
' DateTime : 6/13/2007 13:46
' Author : RD
' Purpose : Checkes to see if a given table already exists
Function fTableExists(sTblNm As String) As Boolean
Dim db As DAO.Database, tbl As DAO.TableDef
Set db = CurrentDb
For Each tbl In db.TableDefs
If tbl.Name = sTblNm Then
fTableExists = True
Exit Function
End If
Next tbl
Set db = Nothing
End Function
