Is there any restriction on the number of fields in
a 'target table' of a TransferText-action? Having problems
with importing a textfile (on an semi-automatic way by
clicking in a form and running VB-code from a class-
module) I started from a newly created table containing
only three fields, with the same names of the fields to
import from the textfile. This worked well. Afterwards I
gradually added a new field in the target table (this
extra fields didn't appear in the textfile to import).
When I arrived at the forteenth field, the TransferText
action caused an error message saying that "Not all data
were added to the table. the content of 0 records was
removed and 0 records were lost due to keyconflicts". So
all data were imported, but I keep getting the error
message. Where is the problem???
a 'target table' of a TransferText-action? Having problems
with importing a textfile (on an semi-automatic way by
clicking in a form and running VB-code from a class-
module) I started from a newly created table containing
only three fields, with the same names of the fields to
import from the textfile. This worked well. Afterwards I
gradually added a new field in the target table (this
extra fields didn't appear in the textfile to import).
When I arrived at the forteenth field, the TransferText
action caused an error message saying that "Not all data
were added to the table. the content of 0 records was
removed and 0 records were lost due to keyconflicts". So
all data were imported, but I keep getting the error
message. Where is the problem???