Here is a function that will seperate the two. It returns one or the other
depending on the second argument (See Comments).
Use this in your query, one occurance for each of the two fields. So
instead for the field name for the source table, create an expression Like:
ExpPlace: =SplitPlaceAndName([MyTable]![MyField], True)
ExpPhone: =SplitPlaceAndName([MyTable]![MyField], False)
Function SplitPlaceAndPhone(ByVal strPlaceAndPhone As String, blnPlace) As
'Seperates the Place and Phone Number
'Returns either the Place or the Phone Number
'If blnPlace is True, the Place is returned
'If blnPlace is False, the Phone Number is Returned
'If strPlaceAndPhone is Null or "" then "" is returned.
'Dave Hargis 10/20/05
Dim lngX As Long
If IsNull(strPlaceAndPhone) Or strPlaceAndPhone = "" Then
SplitPlaceAndPhone = vbNullString
Exit Function
End If
For lngX = 1 To Len(strPlaceAndPhone)
If IsNumeric(Mid(strPlaceAndPhone, lngX, 1)) Then
Exit For
End If
Next lngX
If blnPlace Then
SplitPlaceAndPhone = Trim(Left(strPlaceAndPhone,
Len(strPlaceAndPhone) - lngX))
SplitPlaceAndPhone = Trim(Right(strPlaceAndPhone, lngX))
End If
End Function