Importing Text error

  • Thread starter Thread starter Becky
  • Start date Start date


I've been importing tab delimited text in Access 97 for
years and suddenly I'm getting the same error in all
databases - "There is no object in this control" in the
Import Text Wizard. And the wizard stops. Does anyone
know what that indicates? I've tried re-installing
Hi Becky,

THis sort of thing is usually caused by problems with registration of
DLL files.

If the import/export wizards don't work at all, re-register ACCWIZ.DLL

If it's one or more file formats that aren't listed, re-register the
following files
msexcl35.dll (Excel)
msxbse35.dll (dBase)
mspdox35.dll (Paradox)
mstext35.dll (Text, CSV, tab-delimited))
In Access 2000 and later, the filenames contain 40 instead of 35.

To re-register a DLL file,

1) Locate it (usually all these are in the Windows\System32 or
WINNT\System32 folder.

2) Locate the file regsvr32.exe.

3) Drag the DLL file's icon onto the regsvr32.exe icon.

These problems are discussed in the following MS Knowledgebase articles
among others:
or for Access 2002 Thu, 26 Feb 2004 16:53:30
John Nurick said:
Hi Becky,

THis sort of thing is usually caused by problems with registration of
DLL files.

If the import/export wizards don't work at all, re-register ACCWIZ.DLL

i'm having the same problem as becky, and it's not accwiz.dll 'cause
the wizards start just fine.
If it's one or more file formats that aren't listed, re-register the
following files
msexcl35.dll (Excel)
msxbse35.dll (dBase)
mspdox35.dll (Paradox)
mstext35.dll (Text, CSV, tab-delimited))
In Access 2000 and later, the filenames contain 40 instead of 35.

i did however re-register both accwiz.dll and the list of files above
but to no avail. i too get the dreaded "There is no object in this
control" when i use either the text or spreadsheet import wizard.
(oddly, when i export my spreadsheet as a dbase iv file the wizard
can't seem to find it--even though it allows me to select it in the
open file dialog.)


Becky said:
I've been importing tab delimited text in Access 97 for
years and suddenly I'm getting the same error in all
databases - "There is no object in this control" in the
Import Text Wizard. And the wizard stops. Does anyone
know what that indicates? I've tried re-installing

i've got the same problem. i'm running office 97 pro under windows xp
pro. i'm thinking it's maybe some sort of activex compatibility
problem caused by using differing generations of ms software.
searching the web i've seen a number of people posting similar
problems but no one's had a fix that worked.

did you suddenly change something on your system? i hadn't used
access in years and so just today found this problem.

John Nurick said:
If it's one or more file formats that aren't listed, re-register the
following files
msexcl35.dll (Excel)
msxbse35.dll (dBase)
mspdox35.dll (Paradox)
mstext35.dll (Text, CSV, tab-delimited))
In Access 2000 and later, the filenames contain 40 instead of 35.

i just ran an interesting experiment. i have msexcl3??.dll and
mstext??.dll in both 35 and 40 versions. if i renamed the 35 versions
and tried to import either an excel spreadsheet or a text file, the
same "there is no object in this control" error pops up followed by a
partial, non-function dialog for the wizard in question (well, really
just the outline of the dialog; no innards).

however, if i renamed both of the 40 files and ran *either* import
wizard again, the 40 files were automatically replaced. so there
definitely seems to be a problem with file versions here. i tried
renaming msjet40.dll to see if i could force access-97 to use jet35,
but just as soon as i'd finished renaming it a replacement file was

thanks for the suggestion, john. alas, my problem persists...

it took me a few minutes to find the references dialog--it's only
there on the tools menu when you have an open vb module. at this
point i'm just working from the user interface (i.e., no automation),
and i wasn't using any vb modules.

so i created a dummy module and checked the references from there.
oddly enough, the microsoft dao 3.5 library was *not* checked even
though that's supposed to be a default setting. i checked it and
restarted the app, but the "there is no object in this control" error

at some point i'm going to give up, but i'm not there yet.

What release of Office 97 are you running? On general principles it
should be at least SR-2.
yep, it's sr-2. i think it's actually considered 2b (file is
sr2bof97.exe). i only installed both sr's yesterday--found them as i
was troubleshooting the problem.

i'm also running word 2000 (which upgraded the word 97, i think) and
frontpage 2002. and i should point out that cut and paste don't work
correctly in access either. well, cut does, but i can't paste
anything, whether it's from an external source or even just from
another cell in an access table.


A couple of posts ago you said
i'm running office 97 pro under windows xp
which isn't normally a problem, but now it turns out you are actually
running applications from Office 97, 2000 and XP. I wouldn't have
suggested installing the Office 97 service pack if I'd known.

Problems with simple pasting - do you really mean that if you copy a
word from Notepad you can't paste it into a text field in an Access
datasheet? - suggest that there's something badly wrong. All in all, it
sounds like "DLL Hell".

One way out of this is to format your hard drive and then re-install
everything very carefully in exactly the right order. For less drastic
approaches try searching at
sadly, yes, i really am having trouble with simple pasting like that.
in fact, even if i cut or copy from within access itself i still can't
paste, not even to past it right back where i cut it from.

i'm hearing you about the reformatting. i'm trying to avoid that, if
only because it's a lot of work and down time for something i'm not
too positive will work.

thanks for your help -
