Importing shortcuts +icon in Html?



Is it possible to put a lot of shortcuts(with Icon), in a simple way
to a Html Page?

I have around 100 shortcuts(+icons). Now I want to approach
them from a html page. I also tried to insert them with Shift/Ctrl.

FrontPage 2003 asked for the CD, to install some software. Now
it gives the error: "Could not load e:\documents and settings\..\..\
....\frontpage tempdir\xxx.exe

If someone knows a solution to do the trick... thanks


What do you want the shortcut to open?

| Is it possible to put a lot of shortcuts(with Icon), in a simple way
| to a Html Page?
| I have around 100 shortcuts(+icons). Now I want to approach
| them from a html page. I also tried to insert them with Shift/Ctrl.
| FrontPage 2003 asked for the CD, to install some software. Now
| it gives the error: "Could not load e:\documents and settings\..\..\
| ...\frontpage tempdir\xxx.exe
| If someone knows a solution to do the trick... thanks
| Ruud

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