Importing Questions



1) I have 35 files that I need to upload daily onto my database. Unfor, the
extention the reports are in are *.rpt. I need it to be in txt form, since I
made a text import macro. Im able to do it manually, changing all the
extentions to .txt but is there a way to automate this process. Im going to
have the file in a specific folder, easier to call for.

2) Wonder if there is a way to delete some lines from the 35 files.
What im mean, the files come in somethign like this

<summaries of the detail, ususally about 7 lines>

Main Data (about 7 Columns)

<End of Summaries>

I need it so that I only have the Data from teh Column and not else when I
upload. Im able to do everything manually but I would like this to be


Joseph Meehan

Justin said:
1) I have 35 files that I need to upload daily onto my database.
Unfor, the extention the reports are in are *.rpt. I need it to be in
txt form, since I made a text import macro. Im able to do it
manually, changing all the extentions to .txt but is there a way to
automate this process. Im going to have the file in a specific
folder, easier to call for.

2) Wonder if there is a way to delete some lines from the 35 files.
What im mean, the files come in somethign like this

<summaries of the detail, ususally about 7 lines>

Main Data (about 7 Columns)

<End of Summaries>

I need it so that I only have the Data from teh Column and not else
when I upload. Im able to do everything manually but I would like
this to be automated.


.rpt files are not standard formats, they may have any of many different
formats. Not knowing much about the actual data, it is hard for us to make

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