importing outlook contacts on xp into windows mail on vista



hi, i have spent hours trying to do this: how can i import my contacts on my
old computer which runs on xp and has outlook (i think it version 2003) into
the windows mail program on a computer running on vista?



1) install outlook on the Vista PC, configure it, connected to your outlook
data file
In Mail Import
2) On the old PC export msgs to Outlook Express, and Contacts to windows
address book
Copy the Express store to Vista PC, and Import, same for address book

Gary VanderMolen

If you are only interested in contacts, export them from Outlook in CSV format,
and import that CSV file into Windows Mail.

Gary VanderMolen

I don't know why that would happen. Perhaps one of the Outlook experts here
has a suggestion.


If anyone can help, I tried to import the CSV file (which appears to be an
excel file)
into WMail but it reads...."this contact has a non-internet e-mail
address...this contact will be imported to Contacts without an e-mail
address." If I open the Excel spreadsheet the first column is the name then
the second column is the email address.....any suggestions?

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