Importing Oracle/MYSQL data into Access?!

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SImple little question: ... can access easily import a table/data from an Oracle or Mysql database?

In the "get external data" I see all sorts of file formats but what format is oracle or mysql

Thanks for the help

Hi Daniel

Importing is not the correct way, you will have to create a new table and select in the wizard : Link Table.

In the next window you will have to select for 'Files of type' : ODBC Databases(). Following Window go to tab 'Machine Data Source' and select your Oracle DB, if it is not setup yet, click 'new...' and select either User or System Data Source, select the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver and fill the fields. Server should be the name of your Oracle DB like it is called in the tnsnames.ora, User Name can be left blank or if you like enter your User Name for the Oracle DB, Data Source Name and Description : what you like. That's it with the configuration of the ODBC connection to your Oracle DB
Now you should be able to select your Oracle DB and the needed tables. You can select as many as you need, you don't need to repeat this 'new table' procedure for every table just all at once

MySQL should work the same way
