Shawn S.
I have more than 1000 rules in Outlook Express that I'd to be used in
Windows Mail. How does one import them for use in Vista?
Windows Mail. How does one import them for use in Vista?
As a point of interest, I've never heard of anyone with anything
approaching 1,000 rules so I'm curious - how much does having that
many rules slow down the receipt of mail? Plus I can think of 15-20
reasons why no one human could keep that many rules straight and not
have a later rule discarding messages that do not have the "Stop
processing more rules" line inserted.
Jim Pickering said:No tool exists for such import and identities are not supported in Windows
Mail, so the old method of exporting the key from the registry, then
editing the identity GUID in Notepad before merging into the new computer
will not work. The location for rules in Windows Mail is quite different
from earlier operating systems.