Bruce said:
I can not Import movies from Sony Handycam DCR-HC21 using USB Cable
The computer does not have a Firewire port
My computer is a HP G60-630 US Laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium
64-bit OS
If Sony has a driver I can't find it. I called support for both Sony & HP
Sony told me The USB streaming feature is not supported with the Windows 7
operating system
HP told me to get the driver from Sony, but I can't find it from the Sony
Can anyone HELP?
Thanks, Bruce Steele
Even if you could get the USB to work you would be very disappointed in the
results you get. Firewire is the only way to go. Unfortunately you have no
way of getting firewire (IEEE1394 and also called iLink) enabled or
installed on this computer even by using an adapter of any type as you
simply don't have a port that can accept an adaptor.
A workaround. You may be able to purchase a "capture device" that will
capture the video as it is playing on the camera (this is the way I capture
DVD and VHS movies.) I use ADS Tech's DVD Xpress DX2 which is available for
about $80 from many sources. It comes with a compatible capture program and
video editing software (Win 7 does not ship with any video editing software
like Vista or XP did.) I actually own two of these devices and have been
using them for over 2 years now and am very happy with them.
To use it you would plug in the miniphono / triple RCA cable from the camera
(should have come with the camera when purchased) to the DVD Xpress DX2
device (or whatever other capture device you would purchase.) Start the
capture program that came with the capture device, put the camera in play
mode, start the capture itself and then press play on the camera. Once the
video is captured you simply stop the capture, stop the camera, save the
captured file, edit the captured file in an editing program and do with it
what you want. This product is for sale by Amazon with free shipping at
$69.99 and by B & H ( for $61.99 + S & H.