Importing JPEGs

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when importing mixed JPEGs (vertical and horizontal JPEGs) and Videos into
WMM, vertical JPEGs are filled into a standardized size (for horizontal Js)
so that there remaines a black frame at the left and right side. Is it
possible to avoid this BLACK SHOCK by defining a matching
background-colour?Any other ideas?
A few ideas for treatment before you import:

Crop your vertical photos to the horizontal size before you import.

Paste your vertical photo on a horizontal background other than black so it
is essentially a horizontal image

After import if you do none of the above:

You can minimize the shock (as you call it) factor by doing a slow fade
intoand out of the image.
Thanks print_maker for your ideas!
1. vertical photos have their own meaning and optical axes so that changing
them to a horizontal size before importing could change the meaning and
expression of the photo.
2. pasting the photo to another background than BLACK could be a solution
but is no longer state of the art; we did it two years ago with a smart
software called Pixelmaxx.
3. doing a slow fade into and out of the image is our most favorized
technique for getting smooth changes between the pictures.
So, I'm not really convinced and have to look for another solution.
I discussed our problem and your answers once again with my wife. She gave
me her solution of the problem:
"I would guess that such a sophisticated Software like WMM should be able,
to examine imported JPEGs wether they match the standard horizontal format.
If not, the format should be automatically changed to the size of the
imported JPEG."
Lets hope for an update with WMM 2.2!!
My solutions:

1. Use Photostory 3. it has just the feature you are talking about called
"Remove black borders".

2. Use my pan zoom effects and apply "Pan Portrait Down" to the vertical
photos. It shows all of it and without distortion.