importing jpegs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert
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Good Day

I have created a slide show using various jpeg files. When saved as an AVI
file ..the photos do seem to be very clear upon playback. Is there a correct
file resolution or pixel size which the jpeg files should be. I need them
to be as clear as normal digital video.

Awaiting your expert answers


Yes, First crop the image so that it has the same aspect ratio as the final
video and then resample down to either the height or the width of the final
video. h = 480 for US DV or h = 576 for PAL DV

John Kelly
Truthfully, I am not an Instant Expert, But I know someone who is going to
have to try a LOT harder
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
1. Resize the input images to 640x480 using a good imaging app.
2. Save in WMM using a WMV profile of output size 640x480.

Resize in step 1 should not change the aspect ratio.

Change the above sizes to 800x600 or 1024x768 in both steps when using the
corresponding "custom profile" such as those provided by papajohn > Saving Movies > Custom WMV Profiles