Importing From Excel

  • Thread starter Thread starter PhilD
  • Start date Start date


I've exported names and phone mumbers from my mobile phone
int an Excek workbook. I want to import the date into my
Outlook 2002 Contacts. I've managed to get everything
working, except for the phone numbers. They seem to be
combinations of random digits. Does anyone know what's
going on?

What format are they in in the spreadsheet? Also, as a test try exporting a
contact folder to an Excel spreadsheet and see what format the numbers are
I tried several different formats (0123456789, 012-345-
6789, (012)345-6789) but nothing worked. I'll give your
idea a try and let you know.
The problem you're encountering with your phone numbers is that they are
being treated as "numeric fields".


Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group

ContactGenie - "automated contact importer for MS Outlook '2000/2002
You were right. I habd to precede every phone number ba an
apostrophe in order for it to work. Is there an easier
way? Is it best to inport form a text file?

To tell you the truth - it's somewhat of an anomoly to me - since some files
import properly and some don't using the standard import engine. To the best
of my knowledge (and I'd love to stand corrected on this by anyone who knows
better) - the standard Jet engine previews the first 25 records or so (I
forget the exact number it looks at) to determine field type and it doesn't
seem to matter if the field is formatted as a text field or a numeric field
in Excel (but we don't find that to be consistent in all cases). I doubt
very much that very many people create the necessary file to over-ride the
default settings. Mind you - given the multitude of combinations and
permutations of O/S's, Outlook, Excel, MDAC, and Jet versions - must admit
haven't wasted too much time on it either once we worked around it in a
definitive manner across all scenarios.

In any event - we use our own method and it's not an issue for ContactGenie
no matter how the inbound field is designated for a phone number . One thing
you may want to try is exporting your file to a >CSV format and see if that
makes a difference on your system (sometimes it does and sometimes it


Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group

ContactGenie - "automated contact importer for MS Outlook '2000/2002
h!!p:// (replace "!!" in address with "//")