Importing Favorites From Floppy In Plain English.



I can copy, not export, favorites from my old laptop to a floppy. I am not
able to copy, export, the favorites from the floppy to the favorites on my
new laptop. There's nothing in the Import/Export wizard that lets me do this
directly. From the posts I've read this seems to be a real problem.

PA Bear

Copy the file from the floppy to the HDD of the new machine, remove any Read
Only attribute if may have and then Import it.

Description of the Import/Export Wizard That Is Included with Internet
Explorer 5.0 or Later:;en-us;221523

Using WinXP's FAST Wizard, by MVP Gary Woodruff
(Please read the caveats about Outlook Express)
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)

Posting and You

Don Varnau

Why can't the old machine export the Favorites to an HTM file?

You should be able to export/import them via Internet Explorer> File> Import
and Export. Follow the prompts. You should be able to import from the floppy
disk, but it may be better to create a folder on the HD (of the new machine)
copy the Favorites.htm file to that folder and point the Import wizard to
that folder.


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