Importing emails from OE6 Win98 to Vista

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I am attempting to transfer my email (messages only, not address book entries
or settings) from OE6 on my old PC running Win98 to Vista. I exported the
email files (all .dbx files) to a CD, but when I try to import them to the
new PC, it can't seem to read them. I get messages 'no items match your
search' and 'no messages can be found in this folder.' What am I doing wrong?
Is it because they are multiple identities? Do I need to modify them somehow?
I can't believe I'm the only person with this problem. Help!
1) DBX files can not be read from a removable drive in Windows Mail nor was
it in Outlook Express.
2) Copy the files to the hard drive and import them from there.
3) Be sure you have the Folders.dbx file. It is required.
Thanks, that sounded like an easy and obvious solution. I made sure I had
the folders.dbx folder and copied all the folders to the hard drive on the
new PC. However, the import still didn't work ;^( I got the same 2 'no
items' messages. Any other suggestions as to problems and/or solutions?
Thanks Steve, this is a very helpful site. It pointed out that vista is
giving me an incorrect path: email folders\email folders -- but it won't let
me fix it in the 'location of messages' box. Any suggestions? Also, maybe
this isn't the problem, since it also doesn't seem to be able to see the
files when I browse to the folder they're in.
PS I did change the files so none of them are read-only. Thought that would
do it, but no such luck.
Select the folder in the left window pane and delete the folder name in the
filename line.

Select Open with nothing in the line.

When you do, it will show correctly in the Browse line.


1) Create a folder in Explorer and name it C:\Old Mail

2) Copy ALL the dbx fles from OE6 to the C:\Old Mail folder on the Vista

machine. Be sure to include the Folders.dbx file, it is


3) File | Import | Messsages

4) Select MIcrosoft Outlook Express 6

5) Press NEXT

6) IMport mail from an OE6 store directory should be selected.

7) Press OK

8) Press BROWSE

Now, when you press the Browse button, Explorer will open.

There are three window panes. The two on the left are the ones we are

interested in and then only the one named FOLDERS is one we want to look

thrru, it's the one with the scrollbar.

At the top next to the forward and back buttons (two round buttons with

arrows) you should see an icon then your username and next to each of those

is a smal triangle.

On the triangle to the right of the icon, click on it and select Computer

Now, you should see the hard drive and the CD drives. double click on the C

drive icon. Probably named Local Disk (C:)


Now, in the right windows pane, you should see the Old Mail folder you

created and put the dbx files.

Double click on it to open it.

Ok, in the left windows pane, there should be some light highlighting for

the Old Mail folder to show it as selected.

At the bottom there is a line named Folder and probably shows Old Mail

listed there.

Delete the text Old Mail from the Folder line and then press the Select

Folder button on the botton right. Yes it should be empty.

When you select the Select Folder button, you are taken back to the browse

location and it should read C:\Old Mail

If it reads C:\Old Mail\Old Mail, go back and repeat the steps on the folder

select (just below the **** above.

If it does read C:\Old Mail then you are ready to finish the import.

Press NEXT and finish the import.
It worked! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I never would have figured out
that clearing the filename line was the key. In fact, I don't think I even
noticed it before. DGuess, I don't know who you are but I sure think you're
swell ;^)
I just go0t thru eating so I'm swelled a bit. That too will pass.

It's a bug in WinMail that was ignored.