Steve D
Good Morning,
I have a report (Excel) that I get weekly that I want to import into
Access but I know the format of the report is not efficient for a table in a
database (Duplicate Districts, Customers and Weeks) If this was a one time
issue I would import and then split the table but I will be updating this
every week. Is there a way to split and then import into the table when the
data is in the original format? Should I create an import table and then
figure a way to split the data into the existing table structure? Any help is
District Customer Week Items Sold
Atlanta ABC Inc. 05/11/2009 3
Atlanta DEF Co. 05/11/2009 1
Atlanta GHI Corp. 05/11/2009 2
Baltimore JKL LLC. 05/11/2009 1
Baltimore ABC Inc. 05/11/2009 1
I have a report (Excel) that I get weekly that I want to import into
Access but I know the format of the report is not efficient for a table in a
database (Duplicate Districts, Customers and Weeks) If this was a one time
issue I would import and then split the table but I will be updating this
every week. Is there a way to split and then import into the table when the
data is in the original format? Should I create an import table and then
figure a way to split the data into the existing table structure? Any help is
District Customer Week Items Sold
Atlanta ABC Inc. 05/11/2009 3
Atlanta DEF Co. 05/11/2009 1
Atlanta GHI Corp. 05/11/2009 2
Baltimore JKL LLC. 05/11/2009 1
Baltimore ABC Inc. 05/11/2009 1