Importing Data from Outlook

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What I want to do is to link my online from results, which I receive in
email, to access. And I am running into a problem:

Q- I have linked the folder which have all the result email with access. Now
it imports the results, which are 6 rows with feild name and results
separated by ":" in one field "Content". How can I import it so it imports
the feilds, which is before ":" into feilds and then the rest of data into
rows below?

Hi Rizwan,

By the sound of it the contents of the Content field look like this:

Field1: Value1
Field2: Value2
Field3: Value3
Field4: Value4
Field5: Value5
Field6: Value6

If so, you can use the rgxGet() function at the bottom of this message
in calculated fields in a query. For example, this expression in a field
Field3: rgxGet(strContent, "Field3:\s*([^\x0d]*)")
would return
from the sample data above.

What the expression does is tell the function to look for the fieldname
followed by a colon (and maybe white space), and then return everything
from there up to the end of the line. [^\x0d] means any character except
a carriage return, which is 0d in hexadecimal.

What I want to do is to link my online from results, which I receive in
email, to access. And I am running into a problem:

Q- I have linked the folder which have all the result email with access. Now
it imports the results, which are 6 rows with feild name and results
separated by ":" in one field "Content". How can I import it so it imports
the feilds, which is before ":" into feilds and then the rest of data into
rows below?


'CODE STARTS===========================================
Public Function rgxGet(Optional ByVal Target As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Pattern As String = "", _
Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal Multiline As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal FailOnError As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal Persist As Boolean = False) _
As Variant

'Regular expression matching function suitable for use
'in VB/A generally and in Access queries.

'Copyright (C)2005 John Nurick
'January 2005

'Takes a search string (Target), a regular expression
'(Pattern), and a replacement string (Replacement).
'- If a substring of Target matches Pattern, returns that substring.
'- If Pattern includes grouping parentheses, returns the substring
' matched by the first group.
'- If no match, returns empty string.
'- Returns Null on error unless FailOnError is True.

'CaseSensitive matches regardless of case.

'Multiline controls whether a Target containing
'newlines is parsed as one multiline string or a
'succession of one-line strings.

'Persist controls whether the compiled RegExp object
'remains in memory ready for the next call to the
'function or whether it is disposed of immediately. This
'means the function can be used in queries without having
'to create, compile, use and destroy
'a new RegExp object for each row being processed.
'But it also means that the object remains in memory
'after the query has run. To destroy the object and release
'the memory, call this function one last time with no arguments.
'Calling the function with different arguments (e.g. a new
'Pattern) recompiles the RegExp object, so
'the function can be used in different queries. However there
'may be problems if two threads are calling the function at
'the same time.

Const rgxPROC_NAME = "rgxGet"
Static oRE As Object
'Static declaration means we don't have to create
'and compile the RegExp object every single time
'the function is called.
Dim oMatches As Object

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
rgxGet = Null 'Default return value
'NB: if FailOnError is false, returns Null on error

If IsMissing(Target) Then
'This is the signal to dispose of oRE
Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function 'with default value
End If

'Create the RegExp object if necessary
If oRE Is Nothing Then
Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
End If

With oRE
'Check whether the current arguments (other than Target)
'are different from those stored in oRE, and update them
'(thereby recompiling the regex) only if necessary.
If CaseSensitive = .IgnoreCase Then
.IgnoreCase = Not .IgnoreCase
End If
If Multiline <> .Multiline Then
.Multiline = Multiline
End If
If Pattern <> .Pattern Then
.Pattern = Pattern
End If

'Finally, execute the match
If IsNull(Target) Then
rgxGet = Null
Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(Target)
If oMatches.Count > 0 Then
If oMatches(0).SubMatches.Count > 0 Then
'Pattern includes a ( ) group; return what it matched
rgxGet = oMatches(0).SubMatches(0)
rgxGet = oMatches(0)
End If
rgxGet = ""
End If
End If
End With

'Tidy up and normal exit
If Not Persist Then Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function

If FailOnError Then
With Err
Select Case .Number
'Replace the default "object-defined error" message
Case 13: .Description = "Type mismatch, probably because " _
& "the ""Target"" argument could not be converted to a string"
Case 5017: .Description = "Syntax error in regular expression"
Case 5018: .Description = "Unexpected quantifier in regular
Case 5019: .Description = "Expected ']' in regular expression"
Case 5020: .Description = "Expected ')' in regular expression"
Case Else
If oRE Is Nothing Then 'Failed to create Regexp object
.Description = "Could not create VBScript.RegExp object. " &
Else 'Unexpected error
.Description = rgxPROC_NAME & ": " & .Description
End If
End Select
Set oRE = Nothing
.Raise Err.Number, rgxPROC_NAME, _
rgxPROC_NAME & "(): " & .Description
End With
Else 'Fail silently
Set oRE = Nothing
End If
End Function
'CODE ENDS =============================================
Thanks John,

Thats exactly what I want to do. I have copy pasted the function in Modules,
as as standard module, and was trying to call it from a query but it says
"rgxGet" not defined. Should I put it somewhere else?

Thanks again.

John Nurick said:
Hi Rizwan,

By the sound of it the contents of the Content field look like this:

Field1: Value1
Field2: Value2
Field3: Value3
Field4: Value4
Field5: Value5
Field6: Value6

If so, you can use the rgxGet() function at the bottom of this message
in calculated fields in a query. For example, this expression in a field
Field3: rgxGet(strContent, "Field3:\s*([^\x0d]*)")
would return
from the sample data above.

What the expression does is tell the function to look for the fieldname
followed by a colon (and maybe white space), and then return everything
from there up to the end of the line. [^\x0d] means any character except
a carriage return, which is 0d in hexadecimal.

What I want to do is to link my online from results, which I receive in
email, to access. And I am running into a problem:

Q- I have linked the folder which have all the result email with access. Now
it imports the results, which are 6 rows with feild name and results
separated by ":" in one field "Content". How can I import it so it imports
the feilds, which is before ":" into feilds and then the rest of data into
rows below?


'CODE STARTS===========================================
Public Function rgxGet(Optional ByVal Target As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Pattern As String = "", _
Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal Multiline As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal FailOnError As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal Persist As Boolean = False) _
As Variant

'Regular expression matching function suitable for use
'in VB/A generally and in Access queries.

'Copyright (C)2005 John Nurick
'January 2005

'Takes a search string (Target), a regular expression
'(Pattern), and a replacement string (Replacement).
'- If a substring of Target matches Pattern, returns that substring.
'- If Pattern includes grouping parentheses, returns the substring
' matched by the first group.
'- If no match, returns empty string.
'- Returns Null on error unless FailOnError is True.

'CaseSensitive matches regardless of case.

'Multiline controls whether a Target containing
'newlines is parsed as one multiline string or a
'succession of one-line strings.

'Persist controls whether the compiled RegExp object
'remains in memory ready for the next call to the
'function or whether it is disposed of immediately. This
'means the function can be used in queries without having
'to create, compile, use and destroy
'a new RegExp object for each row being processed.
'But it also means that the object remains in memory
'after the query has run. To destroy the object and release
'the memory, call this function one last time with no arguments.
'Calling the function with different arguments (e.g. a new
'Pattern) recompiles the RegExp object, so
'the function can be used in different queries. However there
'may be problems if two threads are calling the function at
'the same time.

Const rgxPROC_NAME = "rgxGet"
Static oRE As Object
'Static declaration means we don't have to create
'and compile the RegExp object every single time
'the function is called.
Dim oMatches As Object

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
rgxGet = Null 'Default return value
'NB: if FailOnError is false, returns Null on error

If IsMissing(Target) Then
'This is the signal to dispose of oRE
Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function 'with default value
End If

'Create the RegExp object if necessary
If oRE Is Nothing Then
Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
End If

With oRE
'Check whether the current arguments (other than Target)
'are different from those stored in oRE, and update them
'(thereby recompiling the regex) only if necessary.
If CaseSensitive = .IgnoreCase Then
.IgnoreCase = Not .IgnoreCase
End If
If Multiline <> .Multiline Then
.Multiline = Multiline
End If
If Pattern <> .Pattern Then
.Pattern = Pattern
End If

'Finally, execute the match
If IsNull(Target) Then
rgxGet = Null
Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(Target)
If oMatches.Count > 0 Then
If oMatches(0).SubMatches.Count > 0 Then
'Pattern includes a ( ) group; return what it matched
rgxGet = oMatches(0).SubMatches(0)
rgxGet = oMatches(0)
End If
rgxGet = ""
End If
End If
End With

'Tidy up and normal exit
If Not Persist Then Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function

If FailOnError Then
With Err
Select Case .Number
'Replace the default "object-defined error" message
Case 13: .Description = "Type mismatch, probably because " _
& "the ""Target"" argument could not be converted to a string"
Case 5017: .Description = "Syntax error in regular expression"
Case 5018: .Description = "Unexpected quantifier in regular
Case 5019: .Description = "Expected ']' in regular expression"
Case 5020: .Description = "Expected ')' in regular expression"
Case Else
If oRE Is Nothing Then 'Failed to create Regexp object
.Description = "Could not create VBScript.RegExp object. " &
Else 'Unexpected error
.Description = rgxPROC_NAME & ": " & .Description
End If
End Select
Set oRE = Nothing
.Raise Err.Number, rgxPROC_NAME, _
rgxPROC_NAME & "(): " & .Description
End With
Else 'Fail silently
Set oRE = Nothing
End If
End Function
'CODE ENDS =============================================
It should be in a standard module, not a class module or a form's
module, and the name of the module must *not* be "rgxGet"; a typical
name might be "basFunctions" or "vbGeneral".

Given that, it works in my test database both in VBA code and in
queries. Obviously you'll need to replace "strContent" in my example
with the name of your variable (in code) or field (in a query). In a
query, it's sometimes necessary to disambiguate the field name by
enclosing it in square brackets, e.g. [Content].

Thanks John,

Thats exactly what I want to do. I have copy pasted the function in Modules,
as as standard module, and was trying to call it from a query but it says
"rgxGet" not defined. Should I put it somewhere else?

Thanks again.

John Nurick said:
Hi Rizwan,

By the sound of it the contents of the Content field look like this:

Field1: Value1
Field2: Value2
Field3: Value3
Field4: Value4
Field5: Value5
Field6: Value6

If so, you can use the rgxGet() function at the bottom of this message
in calculated fields in a query. For example, this expression in a field
Field3: rgxGet(strContent, "Field3:\s*([^\x0d]*)")
would return
from the sample data above.

What the expression does is tell the function to look for the fieldname
followed by a colon (and maybe white space), and then return everything
from there up to the end of the line. [^\x0d] means any character except
a carriage return, which is 0d in hexadecimal.

What I want to do is to link my online from results, which I receive in
email, to access. And I am running into a problem:

Q- I have linked the folder which have all the result email with access. Now
it imports the results, which are 6 rows with feild name and results
separated by ":" in one field "Content". How can I import it so it imports
the feilds, which is before ":" into feilds and then the rest of data into
rows below?


'CODE STARTS===========================================
Public Function rgxGet(Optional ByVal Target As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Pattern As String = "", _
Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal Multiline As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal FailOnError As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal Persist As Boolean = False) _
As Variant

'Regular expression matching function suitable for use
'in VB/A generally and in Access queries.

'Copyright (C)2005 John Nurick
'January 2005

'Takes a search string (Target), a regular expression
'(Pattern), and a replacement string (Replacement).
'- If a substring of Target matches Pattern, returns that substring.
'- If Pattern includes grouping parentheses, returns the substring
' matched by the first group.
'- If no match, returns empty string.
'- Returns Null on error unless FailOnError is True.

'CaseSensitive matches regardless of case.

'Multiline controls whether a Target containing
'newlines is parsed as one multiline string or a
'succession of one-line strings.

'Persist controls whether the compiled RegExp object
'remains in memory ready for the next call to the
'function or whether it is disposed of immediately. This
'means the function can be used in queries without having
'to create, compile, use and destroy
'a new RegExp object for each row being processed.
'But it also means that the object remains in memory
'after the query has run. To destroy the object and release
'the memory, call this function one last time with no arguments.
'Calling the function with different arguments (e.g. a new
'Pattern) recompiles the RegExp object, so
'the function can be used in different queries. However there
'may be problems if two threads are calling the function at
'the same time.

Const rgxPROC_NAME = "rgxGet"
Static oRE As Object
'Static declaration means we don't have to create
'and compile the RegExp object every single time
'the function is called.
Dim oMatches As Object

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
rgxGet = Null 'Default return value
'NB: if FailOnError is false, returns Null on error

If IsMissing(Target) Then
'This is the signal to dispose of oRE
Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function 'with default value
End If

'Create the RegExp object if necessary
If oRE Is Nothing Then
Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
End If

With oRE
'Check whether the current arguments (other than Target)
'are different from those stored in oRE, and update them
'(thereby recompiling the regex) only if necessary.
If CaseSensitive = .IgnoreCase Then
.IgnoreCase = Not .IgnoreCase
End If
If Multiline <> .Multiline Then
.Multiline = Multiline
End If
If Pattern <> .Pattern Then
.Pattern = Pattern
End If

'Finally, execute the match
If IsNull(Target) Then
rgxGet = Null
Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(Target)
If oMatches.Count > 0 Then
If oMatches(0).SubMatches.Count > 0 Then
'Pattern includes a ( ) group; return what it matched
rgxGet = oMatches(0).SubMatches(0)
rgxGet = oMatches(0)
End If
rgxGet = ""
End If
End If
End With

'Tidy up and normal exit
If Not Persist Then Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function

If FailOnError Then
With Err
Select Case .Number
'Replace the default "object-defined error" message
Case 13: .Description = "Type mismatch, probably because " _
& "the ""Target"" argument could not be converted to a string"
Case 5017: .Description = "Syntax error in regular expression"
Case 5018: .Description = "Unexpected quantifier in regular
Case 5019: .Description = "Expected ']' in regular expression"
Case 5020: .Description = "Expected ')' in regular expression"
Case Else
If oRE Is Nothing Then 'Failed to create Regexp object
.Description = "Could not create VBScript.RegExp object. " &
Else 'Unexpected error
.Description = rgxPROC_NAME & ": " & .Description
End If
End Select
Set oRE = Nothing
.Raise Err.Number, rgxPROC_NAME, _
rgxPROC_NAME & "(): " & .Description
End With
Else 'Fail silently
Set oRE = Nothing
End If
End Function
'CODE ENDS =============================================
This is the first time I am doing anything in Access so please help me out
here one last time.

This is what I have in my email body:

sm_name: John Doe
store_number: 1212
location: north

Now I have created a query which is:

Feild: Body
Table: Online Forms
Show: (Checked)
Criteria: Field3: rgxGet(strBody, "sm_name:\s*([^\x0d]*)")

And its not working, giving me compile error or illegal use of (dot).

The function is stored in the "Modules" under the name of vbGeneral.

I will really appreciate taking time and helping me out.


John Nurick said:
It should be in a standard module, not a class module or a form's
module, and the name of the module must *not* be "rgxGet"; a typical
name might be "basFunctions" or "vbGeneral".

Given that, it works in my test database both in VBA code and in
queries. Obviously you'll need to replace "strContent" in my example
with the name of your variable (in code) or field (in a query). In a
query, it's sometimes necessary to disambiguate the field name by
enclosing it in square brackets, e.g. [Content].

Thanks John,

Thats exactly what I want to do. I have copy pasted the function in Modules,
as as standard module, and was trying to call it from a query but it says
"rgxGet" not defined. Should I put it somewhere else?

Thanks again.

John Nurick said:
Hi Rizwan,

By the sound of it the contents of the Content field look like this:

Field1: Value1
Field2: Value2
Field3: Value3
Field4: Value4
Field5: Value5
Field6: Value6

If so, you can use the rgxGet() function at the bottom of this message
in calculated fields in a query. For example, this expression in a field
Field3: rgxGet(strContent, "Field3:\s*([^\x0d]*)")
would return
from the sample data above.

What the expression does is tell the function to look for the fieldname
followed by a colon (and maybe white space), and then return everything
from there up to the end of the line. [^\x0d] means any character except
a carriage return, which is 0d in hexadecimal.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 18:01:02 -0800, Rizwan

What I want to do is to link my online from results, which I receive in
email, to access. And I am running into a problem:

Q- I have linked the folder which have all the result email with access. Now
it imports the results, which are 6 rows with feild name and results
separated by ":" in one field "Content". How can I import it so it imports
the feilds, which is before ":" into feilds and then the rest of data into
rows below?


'CODE STARTS===========================================
Public Function rgxGet(Optional ByVal Target As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Pattern As String = "", _
Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal Multiline As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal FailOnError As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal Persist As Boolean = False) _
As Variant

'Regular expression matching function suitable for use
'in VB/A generally and in Access queries.

'Copyright (C)2005 John Nurick
'January 2005

'Takes a search string (Target), a regular expression
'(Pattern), and a replacement string (Replacement).
'- If a substring of Target matches Pattern, returns that substring.
'- If Pattern includes grouping parentheses, returns the substring
' matched by the first group.
'- If no match, returns empty string.
'- Returns Null on error unless FailOnError is True.

'CaseSensitive matches regardless of case.

'Multiline controls whether a Target containing
'newlines is parsed as one multiline string or a
'succession of one-line strings.

'Persist controls whether the compiled RegExp object
'remains in memory ready for the next call to the
'function or whether it is disposed of immediately. This
'means the function can be used in queries without having
'to create, compile, use and destroy
'a new RegExp object for each row being processed.
'But it also means that the object remains in memory
'after the query has run. To destroy the object and release
'the memory, call this function one last time with no arguments.
'Calling the function with different arguments (e.g. a new
'Pattern) recompiles the RegExp object, so
'the function can be used in different queries. However there
'may be problems if two threads are calling the function at
'the same time.

Const rgxPROC_NAME = "rgxGet"
Static oRE As Object
'Static declaration means we don't have to create
'and compile the RegExp object every single time
'the function is called.
Dim oMatches As Object

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
rgxGet = Null 'Default return value
'NB: if FailOnError is false, returns Null on error

If IsMissing(Target) Then
'This is the signal to dispose of oRE
Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function 'with default value
End If

'Create the RegExp object if necessary
If oRE Is Nothing Then
Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
End If

With oRE
'Check whether the current arguments (other than Target)
'are different from those stored in oRE, and update them
'(thereby recompiling the regex) only if necessary.
If CaseSensitive = .IgnoreCase Then
.IgnoreCase = Not .IgnoreCase
End If
If Multiline <> .Multiline Then
.Multiline = Multiline
End If
If Pattern <> .Pattern Then
.Pattern = Pattern
End If

'Finally, execute the match
If IsNull(Target) Then
rgxGet = Null
Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(Target)
If oMatches.Count > 0 Then
If oMatches(0).SubMatches.Count > 0 Then
'Pattern includes a ( ) group; return what it matched
rgxGet = oMatches(0).SubMatches(0)
rgxGet = oMatches(0)
End If
rgxGet = ""
End If
End If
End With

'Tidy up and normal exit
If Not Persist Then Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function

If FailOnError Then
With Err
Select Case .Number
'Replace the default "object-defined error" message
Case 13: .Description = "Type mismatch, probably because " _
& "the ""Target"" argument could not be converted to a string"
Case 5017: .Description = "Syntax error in regular expression"
Case 5018: .Description = "Unexpected quantifier in regular
Case 5019: .Description = "Expected ']' in regular expression"
Case 5020: .Description = "Expected ')' in regular expression"
Case Else
If oRE Is Nothing Then 'Failed to create Regexp object
.Description = "Could not create VBScript.RegExp object. " &
Else 'Unexpected error
.Description = rgxPROC_NAME & ": " & .Description
End If
End Select
Set oRE = Nothing
.Raise Err.Number, rgxPROC_NAME, _
rgxPROC_NAME & "(): " & .Description
End With
Else 'Fail silently
Set oRE = Nothing
End If
End Function
'CODE ENDS =============================================
:I think I see what you're doing wrong.

In the top row (Field:) of the query design grid you now have just
and you have the rgxGet() expression in the Criteria: cell.

Put this in the Field: cell, replacing XXX with the name you actually
want this field to have (Field3 or Sm_Name or whatever)

XXX: rgxGet([Body], "sm_name:\s*([^\x0d]*)")

and leave the Criteria: cell empty. This - with a name followed by a
colon and an expression - is what's called a calculated field. The
underlying field in the table is Body (not strBody), and the name you're
giving the calculated field is XXX.

Then, in other columns of the query design grid, do the same thing for
store_number and location.

This is the first time I am doing anything in Access so please help me out
here one last time.

This is what I have in my email body:

sm_name: John Doe
store_number: 1212
location: north

Now I have created a query which is:

Feild: Body
Table: Online Forms
Show: (Checked)
Criteria: Field3: rgxGet(strBody, "sm_name:\s*([^\x0d]*)")

And its not working, giving me compile error or illegal use of (dot).

The function is stored in the "Modules" under the name of vbGeneral.

I will really appreciate taking time and helping me out.


John Nurick said:
It should be in a standard module, not a class module or a form's
module, and the name of the module must *not* be "rgxGet"; a typical
name might be "basFunctions" or "vbGeneral".

Given that, it works in my test database both in VBA code and in
queries. Obviously you'll need to replace "strContent" in my example
with the name of your variable (in code) or field (in a query). In a
query, it's sometimes necessary to disambiguate the field name by
enclosing it in square brackets, e.g. [Content].

Thanks John,

Thats exactly what I want to do. I have copy pasted the function in Modules,
as as standard module, and was trying to call it from a query but it says
"rgxGet" not defined. Should I put it somewhere else?

Thanks again.


Hi Rizwan,

By the sound of it the contents of the Content field look like this:

Field1: Value1
Field2: Value2
Field3: Value3
Field4: Value4
Field5: Value5
Field6: Value6

If so, you can use the rgxGet() function at the bottom of this message
in calculated fields in a query. For example, this expression in a field
Field3: rgxGet(strContent, "Field3:\s*([^\x0d]*)")
would return
from the sample data above.

What the expression does is tell the function to look for the fieldname
followed by a colon (and maybe white space), and then return everything
from there up to the end of the line. [^\x0d] means any character except
a carriage return, which is 0d in hexadecimal.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 18:01:02 -0800, Rizwan

What I want to do is to link my online from results, which I receive in
email, to access. And I am running into a problem:

Q- I have linked the folder which have all the result email with access. Now
it imports the results, which are 6 rows with feild name and results
separated by ":" in one field "Content". How can I import it so it imports
the feilds, which is before ":" into feilds and then the rest of data into
rows below?


'CODE STARTS===========================================
Public Function rgxGet(Optional ByVal Target As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Pattern As String = "", _
Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal Multiline As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal FailOnError As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal Persist As Boolean = False) _
As Variant

'Regular expression matching function suitable for use
'in VB/A generally and in Access queries.

'Copyright (C)2005 John Nurick
'January 2005

'Takes a search string (Target), a regular expression
'(Pattern), and a replacement string (Replacement).
'- If a substring of Target matches Pattern, returns that substring.
'- If Pattern includes grouping parentheses, returns the substring
' matched by the first group.
'- If no match, returns empty string.
'- Returns Null on error unless FailOnError is True.

'CaseSensitive matches regardless of case.

'Multiline controls whether a Target containing
'newlines is parsed as one multiline string or a
'succession of one-line strings.

'Persist controls whether the compiled RegExp object
'remains in memory ready for the next call to the
'function or whether it is disposed of immediately. This
'means the function can be used in queries without having
'to create, compile, use and destroy
'a new RegExp object for each row being processed.
'But it also means that the object remains in memory
'after the query has run. To destroy the object and release
'the memory, call this function one last time with no arguments.
'Calling the function with different arguments (e.g. a new
'Pattern) recompiles the RegExp object, so
'the function can be used in different queries. However there
'may be problems if two threads are calling the function at
'the same time.

Const rgxPROC_NAME = "rgxGet"
Static oRE As Object
'Static declaration means we don't have to create
'and compile the RegExp object every single time
'the function is called.
Dim oMatches As Object

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
rgxGet = Null 'Default return value
'NB: if FailOnError is false, returns Null on error

If IsMissing(Target) Then
'This is the signal to dispose of oRE
Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function 'with default value
End If

'Create the RegExp object if necessary
If oRE Is Nothing Then
Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
End If

With oRE
'Check whether the current arguments (other than Target)
'are different from those stored in oRE, and update them
'(thereby recompiling the regex) only if necessary.
If CaseSensitive = .IgnoreCase Then
.IgnoreCase = Not .IgnoreCase
End If
If Multiline <> .Multiline Then
.Multiline = Multiline
End If
If Pattern <> .Pattern Then
.Pattern = Pattern
End If

'Finally, execute the match
If IsNull(Target) Then
rgxGet = Null
Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(Target)
If oMatches.Count > 0 Then
If oMatches(0).SubMatches.Count > 0 Then
'Pattern includes a ( ) group; return what it matched
rgxGet = oMatches(0).SubMatches(0)
rgxGet = oMatches(0)
End If
rgxGet = ""
End If
End If
End With

'Tidy up and normal exit
If Not Persist Then Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function

If FailOnError Then
With Err
Select Case .Number
'Replace the default "object-defined error" message
Case 13: .Description = "Type mismatch, probably because " _
& "the ""Target"" argument could not be converted to a string"
Case 5017: .Description = "Syntax error in regular expression"
Case 5018: .Description = "Unexpected quantifier in regular
Case 5019: .Description = "Expected ']' in regular expression"
Case 5020: .Description = "Expected ')' in regular expression"
Case Else
If oRE Is Nothing Then 'Failed to create Regexp object
.Description = "Could not create VBScript.RegExp object. " &
Else 'Unexpected error
.Description = rgxPROC_NAME & ": " & .Description
End If
End Select
Set oRE = Nothing
.Raise Err.Number, rgxPROC_NAME, _
rgxPROC_NAME & "(): " & .Description
End With
Else 'Fail silently
Set oRE = Nothing
End If
End Function
'CODE ENDS =============================================
This is AWESOME ! I used your example and it works great !

I am going to use this for our On - Line appeal form (which amounted to over
500 emails last year). One challenge though. One of the fields is not
picking up all the data. The on line appeal form for Explanation allows for
up to 500 characters. When I imported the email into a table it appears to
be a carriage return, so it only picks up the first line. Any ideas?

Again - THANK YOU - this is the first time I have asked for help.
John Nurick said:
Hi Rizwan,

By the sound of it the contents of the Content field look like this:

Field1: Value1
Field2: Value2
Field3: Value3
Field4: Value4
Field5: Value5
Field6: Value6

If so, you can use the rgxGet() function at the bottom of this message
in calculated fields in a query. For example, this expression in a field
Field3: rgxGet(strContent, "Field3:\s*([^\x0d]*)")
would return
from the sample data above.

What the expression does is tell the function to look for the fieldname
followed by a colon (and maybe white space), and then return everything
from there up to the end of the line. [^\x0d] means any character except
a carriage return, which is 0d in hexadecimal.

What I want to do is to link my online from results, which I receive in
email, to access. And I am running into a problem:

Q- I have linked the folder which have all the result email with access. Now
it imports the results, which are 6 rows with feild name and results
separated by ":" in one field "Content". How can I import it so it imports
the feilds, which is before ":" into feilds and then the rest of data into
rows below?


'CODE STARTS===========================================
Public Function rgxGet(Optional ByVal Target As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Pattern As String = "", _
Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal Multiline As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal FailOnError As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal Persist As Boolean = False) _
As Variant

'Regular expression matching function suitable for use
'in VB/A generally and in Access queries.

'Copyright (C)2005 John Nurick
'January 2005

'Takes a search string (Target), a regular expression
'(Pattern), and a replacement string (Replacement).
'- If a substring of Target matches Pattern, returns that substring.
'- If Pattern includes grouping parentheses, returns the substring
' matched by the first group.
'- If no match, returns empty string.
'- Returns Null on error unless FailOnError is True.

'CaseSensitive matches regardless of case.

'Multiline controls whether a Target containing
'newlines is parsed as one multiline string or a
'succession of one-line strings.

'Persist controls whether the compiled RegExp object
'remains in memory ready for the next call to the
'function or whether it is disposed of immediately. This
'means the function can be used in queries without having
'to create, compile, use and destroy
'a new RegExp object for each row being processed.
'But it also means that the object remains in memory
'after the query has run. To destroy the object and release
'the memory, call this function one last time with no arguments.
'Calling the function with different arguments (e.g. a new
'Pattern) recompiles the RegExp object, so
'the function can be used in different queries. However there
'may be problems if two threads are calling the function at
'the same time.

Const rgxPROC_NAME = "rgxGet"
Static oRE As Object
'Static declaration means we don't have to create
'and compile the RegExp object every single time
'the function is called.
Dim oMatches As Object

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
rgxGet = Null 'Default return value
'NB: if FailOnError is false, returns Null on error

If IsMissing(Target) Then
'This is the signal to dispose of oRE
Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function 'with default value
End If

'Create the RegExp object if necessary
If oRE Is Nothing Then
Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
End If

With oRE
'Check whether the current arguments (other than Target)
'are different from those stored in oRE, and update them
'(thereby recompiling the regex) only if necessary.
If CaseSensitive = .IgnoreCase Then
.IgnoreCase = Not .IgnoreCase
End If
If Multiline <> .Multiline Then
.Multiline = Multiline
End If
If Pattern <> .Pattern Then
.Pattern = Pattern
End If

'Finally, execute the match
If IsNull(Target) Then
rgxGet = Null
Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(Target)
If oMatches.Count > 0 Then
If oMatches(0).SubMatches.Count > 0 Then
'Pattern includes a ( ) group; return what it matched
rgxGet = oMatches(0).SubMatches(0)
rgxGet = oMatches(0)
End If
rgxGet = ""
End If
End If
End With

'Tidy up and normal exit
If Not Persist Then Set oRE = Nothing
Exit Function

If FailOnError Then
With Err
Select Case .Number
'Replace the default "object-defined error" message
Case 13: .Description = "Type mismatch, probably because " _
& "the ""Target"" argument could not be converted to a string"
Case 5017: .Description = "Syntax error in regular expression"
Case 5018: .Description = "Unexpected quantifier in regular
Case 5019: .Description = "Expected ']' in regular expression"
Case 5020: .Description = "Expected ')' in regular expression"
Case Else
If oRE Is Nothing Then 'Failed to create Regexp object
.Description = "Could not create VBScript.RegExp object. " &
Else 'Unexpected error
.Description = rgxPROC_NAME & ": " & .Description
End If
End Select
Set oRE = Nothing
.Raise Err.Number, rgxPROC_NAME, _
rgxPROC_NAME & "(): " & .Description
End With
Else 'Fail silently
Set oRE = Nothing
End If
End Function
'CODE ENDS =============================================