I'm working on a project in which I've got a contacts database, in
which each contact can be identified with 1-to-n e-mail addresses,
phone numbers, companies, etc. I need to create a basic function to
export this data to a CSV that can be imported to Outlook (ideally with
one entry per contact, but which incldues each piece of information
identified with each contact).
I'm looking in the properties for an existing contact in Contact
Fields. It looks like these would essentially cover everything I'd want
to export for this purpose; but I notice a few potential issues. It
only lists three e-mail fields: E-mail, E-mail 2, E-mail 3, for
instance. If a contact were identified with 10 e-mail addresses in the
database, it'd be convenient to write the CSV to include fields like
E-mail 4, etc. I tested this and noticed it won't cause an error; but
it ignores the E-mail 4 field when imported (I would've thought this
field would perhaps be viewable in User-Defined Fields, inferring that
if it didn't exist in the defaults). Identically with Other Address or
Business Address fields: I created a CSV with fields like Other Address
2 (basing this on what looked to be the E-mail field naming
convention); but these were ignored I think during import.
I don't want the process to come off too involved to the user, with
defining custom fields or choosing existing ones into which these data
ought to be imported (if they don't want to); but I'm thinking that
this is essentially what'll need to be done in cases where the defaults
won't be enough. I'm basically just posting this in order to confirm
that; or if I'm wrong (I'm just basing this on what I've tried thus
far) I'd be interested to learn what else could be done.
Thanks for any input..
which each contact can be identified with 1-to-n e-mail addresses,
phone numbers, companies, etc. I need to create a basic function to
export this data to a CSV that can be imported to Outlook (ideally with
one entry per contact, but which incldues each piece of information
identified with each contact).
I'm looking in the properties for an existing contact in Contact
Fields. It looks like these would essentially cover everything I'd want
to export for this purpose; but I notice a few potential issues. It
only lists three e-mail fields: E-mail, E-mail 2, E-mail 3, for
instance. If a contact were identified with 10 e-mail addresses in the
database, it'd be convenient to write the CSV to include fields like
E-mail 4, etc. I tested this and noticed it won't cause an error; but
it ignores the E-mail 4 field when imported (I would've thought this
field would perhaps be viewable in User-Defined Fields, inferring that
if it didn't exist in the defaults). Identically with Other Address or
Business Address fields: I created a CSV with fields like Other Address
2 (basing this on what looked to be the E-mail field naming
convention); but these were ignored I think during import.
I don't want the process to come off too involved to the user, with
defining custom fields or choosing existing ones into which these data
ought to be imported (if they don't want to); but I'm thinking that
this is essentially what'll need to be done in cases where the defaults
won't be enough. I'm basically just posting this in order to confirm
that; or if I'm wrong (I'm just basing this on what I've tried thus
far) I'd be interested to learn what else could be done.
Thanks for any input..