Thanks for the direction... What I made work was this:
1. Exported from ACT! in CSV format, comma delimited (tab wouldn't work).
2. Imported into .BCM as CSV. Did extensive mapping to get all the main
ACT! fields, including ID/Status and ReferredBy, into weird fields that can't
be customized in BCM... sigh....
3. Once I got that imported into BCM, I went through the process of
converting the ACT! database using the Data Conversion Tool and concentrated
on making sure I got all my notes/histories and activities.
4. I imported that file into BCM and checked "Update Duplicates". I also
made sure that "Include Business History" was checked. BCM then did a nice
job of importing all the sub-items from ACT! and linking them correctly,
since it could match on the contact record.
Hope that helps,