I have written a function that alows one to import a worksheet into
an access table. The problems is that i want to start importing the worksheet
from row 4. I have tried this by using the method AbsolutePosition but VBA
doesn't seem to like that. Below is the code:
Dim pstrTitle As String, pstrFilter As String, pstrInitialDir As String,
InFile As String
pstrTitle = "Select Worksheet"
pstrFilter = "Excel (xls)|*.xls"
pstrInitialDir = "F:\ABCDATA\Downloads"
InFile = OpenFileNameDlg(pstrTitle, pstrFilter, pstrInitialDir)
If InFile = "" Then Exit Function
Dim dbExcel As Database
Dim thisdb As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim rsimp As Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim intpressedcancel As Integer
Dim strName As Variant
Dim criteria As String
Dim strsql As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsimp = db.OpenRecordset("tblCharges", dbOpenDynaset)
'Open excel sheet as database rather than as excel object
Set dbExcel = OpenDatabase(InFile, False, True, "Excel 8.0")
'Lookup name of first sheet
strName = dbExcel.TableDefs(i).Name
Set thisdb = dbExcel.OpenRecordset(strName, dbOpenSnapshot)
'code to skip importing of headings
thisdb.AbsolutePosition = 4
Do While Not thisdb.EOF
If Not IsNull(thisdb.Fields(0).Value) Then
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(0)) Then
rsimp!PhoneNumber = thisdb.Fields(0)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(1)) Then
rsimp!SimCard = thisdb.Fields(1)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(2)) Then
rsimp![Service Class] = thisdb.Fields(2)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(3)) Then
rsimp!Category = thisdb.Fields(3)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(4)) Then
rsimp!Service = thisdb.Fields(4)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(5)) Then
rsimp!From = thisdb.Fields(5)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(6)) Then rsimp!To
= thisdb.Fields(6)
If IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(7)) Then
rsimp!NrofCalls = thisdb.Fields(7)
If IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(8)) Then rsimp!KBytes
= thisdb.Fields(8)
If IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(9)) Then rsimp!Amount
= thisdb.Fields(9)
i = i + 1
End If
Set thisdb = Nothing
Set rsimp = Nothing
MsgBox i & " record(s) imported."
Does anyome knows the correct syntax to start importing
from a specific row ina worksheet. Is this possibel at all?
an access table. The problems is that i want to start importing the worksheet
from row 4. I have tried this by using the method AbsolutePosition but VBA
doesn't seem to like that. Below is the code:
Dim pstrTitle As String, pstrFilter As String, pstrInitialDir As String,
InFile As String
pstrTitle = "Select Worksheet"
pstrFilter = "Excel (xls)|*.xls"
pstrInitialDir = "F:\ABCDATA\Downloads"
InFile = OpenFileNameDlg(pstrTitle, pstrFilter, pstrInitialDir)
If InFile = "" Then Exit Function
Dim dbExcel As Database
Dim thisdb As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim rsimp As Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim intpressedcancel As Integer
Dim strName As Variant
Dim criteria As String
Dim strsql As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsimp = db.OpenRecordset("tblCharges", dbOpenDynaset)
'Open excel sheet as database rather than as excel object
Set dbExcel = OpenDatabase(InFile, False, True, "Excel 8.0")
'Lookup name of first sheet
strName = dbExcel.TableDefs(i).Name
Set thisdb = dbExcel.OpenRecordset(strName, dbOpenSnapshot)
'code to skip importing of headings
thisdb.AbsolutePosition = 4
Do While Not thisdb.EOF
If Not IsNull(thisdb.Fields(0).Value) Then
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(0)) Then
rsimp!PhoneNumber = thisdb.Fields(0)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(1)) Then
rsimp!SimCard = thisdb.Fields(1)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(2)) Then
rsimp![Service Class] = thisdb.Fields(2)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(3)) Then
rsimp!Category = thisdb.Fields(3)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(4)) Then
rsimp!Service = thisdb.Fields(4)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(5)) Then
rsimp!From = thisdb.Fields(5)
If Not IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(6)) Then rsimp!To
= thisdb.Fields(6)
If IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(7)) Then
rsimp!NrofCalls = thisdb.Fields(7)
If IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(8)) Then rsimp!KBytes
= thisdb.Fields(8)
If IsNumeric(thisdb.Fields(9)) Then rsimp!Amount
= thisdb.Fields(9)
i = i + 1
End If
Set thisdb = Nothing
Set rsimp = Nothing
MsgBox i & " record(s) imported."
Does anyome knows the correct syntax to start importing
from a specific row ina worksheet. Is this possibel at all?