What Doug means is the old DOS version of file I/O which happens to work well in Access (doesn't require adding any extra references, etc.)
First of all, this appears to be 4 tables in an Access world. Not sure what, if any, delimiters are here? This could be a fixed length file based on appearance but without seeing at least a handful of lines, it's pretty hard to tell. You need to make the tables, figure out how long each field is (if fixed length rows) or what the delimiter is and detect that.
At the bottom of this message is some air code - once you know the exact format for each line and create a myParser function to parse out the appropriate chunk, this could get you rolling.
Note you will have to replace the Const values with your appropriate data -
The myParser function is passed the letter char for the type of line, the row of text, and the ordinal count of the field/column we want to retrieve. myParser should return a variant containing the appropriate data. Here is a declaration template:
Public Function myParser(strType as string, strRow as string, intOrdinal as integer) as Variant
Hope this helps - if you get stuck, email me a copy of the text file and I will try to build the myParser function for you. (gllincoln at live dot com)
Public Function ImportUglyFile() As Boolean
Const ImportFile As String = "C:\myfolder\myfilename.txt"
Const ATable As String = "ATable"
Const BTable As String = "BTable"
Const CTable As String = "CTable"
Const NTable As String = "NTable"
Const AFieldCount As Integer = 1 '???
Const BFieldCount As Integer = 1 '???
Const CFieldCount As Integer = 1 '???
Const NFieldCount As Integer = 1 '???
Dim fh As Integer 'file handle
Dim x As Integer 'loop counter
Dim s As String 'current row of text
Dim rsA As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsB As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsC As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsN As DAO.Recordset
Set rsA = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ATable)
Set rsB = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(BTable)
Set rsC = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(CTable)
Set rsN = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(NTable)
fh = FreeFile()
Open ImportFile For Input As #fh
Do While Not EOF(fh)
Line Input #fh, s
s = Trim(s)
Select Case Left(s, 1)
Case "A"
For x = 1 To AFieldCount
rsA.Fields(x - 1) = myParser("A", s, x)
Next x
Case "B"
For x = 1 To BFieldCount
rsB.Fields(x - 1) = myParser("B", s, x)
Next x
Case "C"
For x = 1 To CFieldCount
rsC.Fields(x - 1) = myParser("C", s, x)
Next x
Case "N"
For x = 1 To NFieldCount
rsN.Fields(x - 1) = myParser("N", s, x)
Next x
End Select
Close #fh
Set rsA = Nothing
Set rsB = Nothing
Set rsC = Nothing
Set rsN = Nothing
ImportUglyFIle = True
End Function