Noticed from an earlier thread comments on functionality of renaming objects in A2002-2003 and differences between A97 (4/29/2004). I have a similair problem. We import a series of queries from A2002 into A2003 which initially create 2 new tables and the subsequent queries run off these 2 tables. When I import the queries to A2003 (with option import relationships checked) all the queries do not import the joins and therefore I end up with Expr1, Expr2 etc which then negates the subsequent queries. One of the tables created relies on an inner join and so the field names in this table are all in the Expr1, Expr2 format. If the tables are imported first and then the queries are imorted all is fine as the exisiting tables are deleted when the make table query is run. Any thoughts on what may cause these joins to not be imported correctly? I have a lot of queries and fields within them so a manual rename isn't really possible. Note: It all runs fine in A2002.