Imported pix lose resolution

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OK - I'm not having trouble importing pix (.jpg's or .bmp's) except that when
they are imported, they are fuzzy and out of focus. They look fine in the
preview screen after being placed added to the Collections but, once placed
on the storyboard, they seem to lose resolution. I've tried both jpegs and
bmp's and at different sizes/resolutions but no luck. What am I doing wrong?

Very cool - thanks for the quick response. Guess I should have followed thru
to the end before asking the question. OK, here's another:

Is there any way to lock an overlay title to a clip or pic so that, if I
insert something in the timeline before it, it shifts with the intended clip.
I'm getting tired of manually shifting all of my toverlays to their correct
spots after I insert something upstream.
