Imported Music is Extended Unwantedly

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I import an audio file that is 2:43 seconds, but when it is imported into the
Movie Maker, it comes out as 5:18. Can someone help me on why this is?
That's impossible..A TASK selection offers Import AUDIO into COLLECTIONS..the
THUMBNAIL appears for the Audio selected from a FILE or has a
PROPERTIES Link..that is your AUDIO FILE...what-ever you did when you placed
it in the STORYBOARD is a whole new ball of wax....I use MS-movie maker
almost every couple of is exact..I would use SAVE Project AS:more
No, it DID happen. This audio has no vocals so it was harder to compare the
difference. Then when I DID try to compare it, I noticed that the clip
REPEATED certain parts of the audio.
Well then you ruined the Audio-file some-how..what your describeing is a
LOOP-audio on an ANSWERING Machine(where)the Audio Tape is a
15-minute LOOP/or some Sound Editors do CONTAIN a BUTTON to LOOP the Audio
"repeatedly"..I would just re-do my audio track to the specs you need.