ImportCarier sintax

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mikhail Mintchenkov
  • Start date Start date

Mikhail Mintchenkov


Can some body explain me parameters meaning of the method (ICMI interface)
HRESULT ImportCarrier(
[in] VARIANT SLDPaths,
[in, optional] VARIANT SrcRoot,
[in, optional] VARIANT DstRoot,
[out, retval] VARIANT* pvarRetVal);

Actually, what should I point in DstRoot&SrcRoot ? Is some parameter
*connected* with
SrcPath of IRepository ?

Thank you in advance,
Can some body explain me parameters meaning of the method (ICMI interface)
HRESULT ImportCarrier(
[in] VARIANT SLDPaths,

List of SLD file paths comma separated.
[in, optional] VARIANT SrcRoot,

The directory path where the Importer will search for the files to be copied (Repository files and/or anything else you need to
copy). The SrcPath property of any file from the component File section will be relative to that path (unless absolute path was
Usually that is the parent folder name where the SLD is located.
[in, optional] VARIANT DstRoot,

The destination folder for your Repository files (or anything else you are coping during the import).
Usually it is \Windows Embedded Data\Repositories folder. The importer will add GUID like directory there using your component
Repository GUID.

[out, retval] VARIANT* pvarRetVal);

Actually, what should I point in DstRoot&SrcRoot ? Is some parameter
*connected* with
SrcPath of IRepository ?

SrcRoot should be set to DstRoot\VSGUID.
So it will be either "<drive letter:>\Windows Embedded Data\Repositories\VSGUID" or "\\<your machine>\Repositories\VSGUID", where
the VSGUID is VS guid of your component repository.