Import wizard : Field name not editable

  • Thread starter Thread starter p27br
  • Start date Start date



Using Access 2002, OFFICE XP SP3, latest jet engine patch.
When I start the import wizard and get to the fourth
screen where you specifiy the column names and datatypes,
I can only edit the first column. When I click any other
column to edit the Field name, the effect is to always
edit the first column.
Is this a bug ? Has anyone else experienced this problem ?


yes, it's a bug that a number of people have hollered about here in the
newsgroups. one post i read says, if i remember correctly, that the problem
is supposed to be fixed when A2003 service pack 1 is released. a fix for
A2002, i don't know about.
in the meantime, you can make all your fieldname, data type and "do not
import" choices by clicking the Advanced tab in the lower left corner of the
import wizard.
