Import Control area of SonicStage
Contains the Import All/Stop button, Import Format display, Change Import
Format/Bit Rate button
Playback Control area (Music Drive)
Used when playing back songs in a Playlist. The functions and operations of
the Playback Control area are the same as those of the Playlist Playback
Open/Close Content List button
Displays the List Area. On the left side of the List Area, folders and audio
files that are stored on the hard disk are listed. On the right side of the
List Area, Playlists, or the songs in a Playlist, are shown. Clicking this
button while the List Area is being displayed hides the List Area.
List Control area (hard disk)
Lists the files contained in a selected folder in the Tree view. And
displays the folders, etc., on your computer in a tree structure (similar to
Windows Explorer).
Import Control area
Contains the Start and Stop Import buttons, which imports the audio files
(or the folders containing the audio files) selected in the Tree view or the
List view to the Music Drive.