I need to make a process where we can import a monthly Excel file into
Access 2007.
The issue here is that the data coming from the Excel file, needs to go to
several tables in the Access DB.
For example. The Excel file will have:
FName, LName, Street, City, State, Zip, HoursWorked, MoneyPaid
In the Access DB this information is held as
Table 1: FName, LName
Table 2: Street, City, State, Zip
Table 3: HoursWorked, MoneyPaid
and so forth.
How can we make a query, or process, that imports the Excel file, as new
info into the necessary tables.
Also, some records would not need to be added. In other words, we can get
records with the same persons name in the Excel file that show up as
duplications (because the Excel file is a generated query from another DB),
but of course that person only shows up once in Table 1, and we only need
them to show up once, and Table 1 has a one-many relationship with Table 2,
which has a one-many with Table 3 and so on.
Thanks beforehand
I need to make a process where we can import a monthly Excel file into
Access 2007.
The issue here is that the data coming from the Excel file, needs to go to
several tables in the Access DB.
For example. The Excel file will have:
FName, LName, Street, City, State, Zip, HoursWorked, MoneyPaid
In the Access DB this information is held as
Table 1: FName, LName
Table 2: Street, City, State, Zip
Table 3: HoursWorked, MoneyPaid
and so forth.
How can we make a query, or process, that imports the Excel file, as new
info into the necessary tables.
Also, some records would not need to be added. In other words, we can get
records with the same persons name in the Excel file that show up as
duplications (because the Excel file is a generated query from another DB),
but of course that person only shows up once in Table 1, and we only need
them to show up once, and Table 1 has a one-many relationship with Table 2,
which has a one-many with Table 3 and so on.
Thanks beforehand