Hi, Rick.
Import specifications are saved in Jet tables, something that ADP's don't
have. You'll need another method of automatically importing the text files
to the destination table using specific column names, data types and column
sizes. The natural choice is a DTS package, which is far more flexible than
mere import specifications. If you're not familiar with the DTS Designer in
SQL Server, then try creating a schema.ini file for the formatting
information for the import via a SQL query.
For the syntax in your schema.ini file, you'll find the specifications and
information for using text files with Access on these Web pages:
And if you were using an MDB linked to the SQL Server tables instead of an
ADP, Jet could write the schema.ini file for you. (Jet is still pretty
useful for those who aren't using Jet for the back end.) For example usage
of a schema.ini file using a query, please see the following Web page:
http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.
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